Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

I’m just taken aback by that, the fact that someone would think that of me. Does that mean that I am presenting myself and my intentions in that manner? I have always promoted collaboration, inclusivity, making decisions together, and shared understanding.

We have a very flat structure within our organisation, which I think has it’s own pros and cons.

I guess that’s why I am taking it so personally, never have I intended to come across that way nor is it part of my values, or the company’s values (or so I thought). It was also suggested that when I am delivering work that I should provide examples of others in the industry that are doing these practices otherwise it is “just Shane saying it” - whatever happened to employing professionals to do the job they’re provided to do. It is basically suggested that I need to validate and provide reasoning for my decisions, and that is just wrong.

Anyway, really not lus for work today. This whole thing has left me feeling like I shouldn’t be going over and above and putting in the extra effort. To do just what is asked and told of me. But that just is not who I am.




Haters gonna Hate M8


You are allowing the opinions of one person to change your own perception of yourself. That is a tragedy. Do not allow it to happen. I know it sounds glib and easy to say but it is the brutal truth.

Take note of it, gather proof of it and then ignore it.


The value of this is that you’ve reflected on your approach and considered how you might be coming across. If there are changes you can make then that’s great but it seems that this is more “their issue” rather than yours. Stay true to yourself and your values and don’t fall into the trap of second guessing how you may be coming across. Don’t allow their insecurities to become your own.


Sorry Wyv. Sheesh you had such a bad year. I hope everything just goes better there.


Morning everyone.

First session of the day done. Now to do the next one which ends at 18:00 - hopefully.

Not fun with the extra loadshedding just announced.


Morning people of the palace

Hope you all have a good day, I am fighting with the body corporate to admit that they need to find the issue that caused the leak, since the insurance is becoming iffy with the claims


Thank you all for the support and encouragement.


Tell the insurance to get the claim paid out, and then sort it out with the BC. Waiting is compounding the damage.

If the BC can’t tell you in detail what your dad claimed, ie. show paperwork proof of his claim, then that claim effectively does not exist, and the BC can go stuff it.

Stupid unnecessary bureaucracy really grinds my gears.


Dude you are not alone, I have at least organised 2 builders to come give quotes tomorrow when it is going to rain, so we can hopefully see if it is the roof that is leaking or what. The poor plumber checked all the pipes and he cannot find where this water is coming from.

To give you an idea we caught 4 tubs of water filled to the brim, this was the last of the water we caught. Look at that colour and tell me what the fuck?

The cabinet damage she claims is old. . .

As if this warping cannot happen over a period of say Thursday the public holiday till now since we cant dry out those cabinets - we have tried (I stood there with a hair dryer!)

The issue they have is they fixed damage from a previous leak that was deemed damaged from rainwater due to the veranda above us not being properly waterproofed. Now because that was sorted Dec till Feb, they now don’t even want to send this claim into the insurance since it’s the same unit - a different area tho that needs to be fixed.

They just don’t want to do the maintenance, and if the insurance doesnt approve the dryvac people to come dry and clean the carpets, I will deduct the money from the levies we pay them (Almost R2k per month).


Phew! After wrapping up 2 big projects and starting to panic about what we are going to be doing next, it seems I landed a pretty big contract for affordable housing! This time also less than 30 minutes from home!

I received the letter of intent and meeting up tomorrow to discuss programme and contracts!

No more 8 hour day trips, and no more sleepless nights!


Morning you sexy fuckers

So quick question? How many tolls are there from Bloem to Cpt?

Planning to go there in Dec

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Working late is retarded. You drive home in the dark and have bigger idiots than usual to deal with. And loadshedding doesn’t help.


Not a clue sorry! Havent driven that road in ages

Going to work during loadshedding is madness… Leaving at 4 to arrive at work 4:50 and its normally a 10min drive

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Check the PTA/Jhb to CPT map, it looks like it’s only the Hugenot toll plaza at Paarl.

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You planning to say hi to @Wyvern this time?


Morning all!



Good morning everyone.


Aerg, I can’t even remember when last I did not feel some kind of pain, some measure of exhaustion, all day long. With growing wisdom comes the growing certainty that your life is slipping away.