I make it a point to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Funnily enough, I drink more “fresh” water than tap water. It just tastes cleaner.
I make it a point to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Funnily enough, I drink more “fresh” water than tap water. It just tastes cleaner.
Say what now? What’s “fresh” water? Joburg tap is still good.
I prefer to drink that reverse osmosis or filtered water, I go and buy it by the litre and only use it for drinking. At around R1.30 per litre, it’s fairly reasonable. I just find tap water tastes miff and often has a lot of chemicals or the like, after pouring it into a glass from the tap, it looks white.
Same, normal tap water here in the NC is not very nice, we have ourselves a nice big water filter that just helps remove that awful taste
Reverse osmosis lacks any of the other minerals natural water would give you. At least from what I’ve read…
ymmv but I have one of those ceramic dome filters and a 5 stage filter (can’t find the 7 stage ones anymore) and you get all the ‘extras’ your body needs
I was not aware.
It depends on where you get your RO water from, the place i use add the minerals back and i cannot drink tap water anymore -
Also now i can pretend to be smart
Looking good!
We also use an RO system at home and they usually have 4 units. However, they can add a fifth unit which is a remineraliser which adds the good minerals back. You can also add a reoxygenator if you want. However, the amount of minerals you get from water is very little. If you are eating a balanced and healthy diet then you get those minerals anyway. The heavy metals and other rubbish that the system is stripping out of the tap water is more important as those can actually make you sick.
Easy with those assumptions there!
Good morning everyone.
Morning all. Happy Sunday!
Morning people of the palace
Sjoe its gonna take a while to get used to using these glasses in front of the pc. Also Im closing my eyes when I turn otherwise I get dizzy. At least Im getting good with reading on the tablet and so on, but its the mid distances that I am still struggling with
Welcome to the club! I remember my first week being quite bad - and that was about 15 years ago. You get used to it and then eventually feel blind without them.
Try walking down stairs.
Are they multifocals or reading glasses?
Definitely takes a bit of getting used - especially multifocals. I’ve been wearing specs for 40 odd years and still remember struggling a bit when I got my first pair of multifocal lenses. Like @FarligOpptreden says, it’ll come to you gradually, and then one moment later you’ll wonder what the big deal was. Just try not to force it.
Multifocals on multiscreens are a bloody nightmare. I have reading glasses for work on my PC and multifocals for outside of that
No seriously, you can develop some serious neck pain trying to tilt your head and move it all the time. I hated my multifocals when using my PC.