anyone know how much mybroadband would pay for a competent proof-reader?
I’m willing to do it for the right money hehehehe
(they need to fire their current one)
You check your email, and see this in a newsletter from Evetech:
Nice, lets see how much it actually costs!
Their entire range on their website:
My wife applied for a sub-editor job there a couple of years back. Now my wife was the editor of Animal Talk magazine and before that she was a sub-editor for many magazines including PC Format etc. Before that she was an award winning journalist for a newspaper.
And she didn’t get the job.
Yea I have to get up extra early fo work tomorrow so I can have my smoothie and coffee
Perhaps not the best, I know, I was trying out a few different techniques in a few areas, and it probably shows. Not to mention I used the standard 80gsm print paper, need to find some better paper too.
Good morning everyone.
Morning people of the palace have a good day
(also yay to city of cape town - we are only loadshedding from 10pm till 6am)
Must be a Canadian…
Speaking moistly.
Morning all!
@Beo - love it! Except, the tag should be “git gud” and the stick should be a controller.
haha fair game, it’s a play in Dev and their process with git hub.
What does a dog do with a stick? Fetch.
The dogs tag, and name is git, therefor, git fetch!
lol anyway, morning all.
My parents are here safe and sound
Unfortunately, the Netherlands isn’t allowing people on stop-overs to take duty-free, so no Crown Royal
And bonus points for the “branch” as well… git fetch branch.
What about git clone? Has science gone too far?
It’s been a bit moist in the area…
You made that? That’s freaken impressive!
That’s hectic, hope everyone is okay.
Hope so too. It’s not the first time that that area has been flooded. The Centurion Lake Hotel has had its garage and lobby swamped a number of times before. Why there’s no New Orleans style diversion levee been put in place amazes me. I imagine the hotel’s insurance premiums for water damage and flood cover must be insanely high by now.
@SIGSTART, @Ani - you guys are on that side of the world, aren’t you? Hope all is okay for you.