Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

A paying job :sweat_smile:

Yes and no… Home Affairs requires me to go back to Canada to change from a volunteer visa to a work visa, so unless the company could somehow get past that without resorting to bribery…

I do fall into the critical skills category.

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So when you get a job offer you have to apply for a work visa from Canada? Is it guaranteed to get the work visa?

Ya, I can start the process here, but I have to be in Canada since they’ll send it to the embassy there.

Too many people crossing the border illegally applying for work visas within the country ruined it for everyone.

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Well you can always send the CV to me and we can see if they have options.

We do have a load of people working all over the world


Thanks. I do appreciate the offer. I’m not sure I’m looking for a job right now though, tbh… I’m still happy doing the volunteer thing, and the responsibilities I have with that.

I think I’m just wanting to be able to afford a new PC, a solar power setup, afford to move to somewhere with fiber, and all the other stuff I can’t afford… Like healthy food :sweat_smile:


Ah, the scarce skills market. We’re constantly recruiting, but never find candidates. We’ve resorted to hiring interns and graduates and shuffling our people around on projects. All the good candidates have already left the country or are on their way out and refuse to work for a local company.


Same here, plus our Grads tend to graduate and disappear


In a different industry, but we’ve been struggling with recruitment for ages now as well. Started using a recruiter two months ago, and suddenly we’re getting candidates that didn’t make my soul depart mid interview.


I’m full stack. Even more so than what I used to be.

Not as strong in javascript as C# and C++ though. But I develop entire web applications and Windows applications that connect to them. My software is running in overseas banks, government institutions (also overseas) and other companies in South Africa. I’m proud to say that I’m improving all the time. Working hard to stay up to date and to be fast and efficient.

Sorry about bragging but it has taken a lot of work to get here.


Morning all.

Have an awesome day t’day!


Morning all and sundry.



Goooooooooood morning Viet… Uhm… South Africa!


So, I am booked for plastic surgery on Friday. Regrettably it is not for a gluteus augmentation…

I have a small carcinoma tumour on my right ear that needs to be removed, and that means a small bit from my ear will be removed in the process. Hopefully not as bad as Evander Holyfield.

For the medically inclined, its called a squamous cell carcinoma, developing in the top layer of your skin and is often caused by exposure to the sun. As a quickly balding man in my mid 40’s I am very aware of the dangers on my scalp and always wear a cap. But like a naïve toddler I did not consider my ears.

The procedure is small enough to only need local anaesthetic, and I will be home by Friday. No need for any post op treatment as it was caught super early, for which I am grateful.

At first I did not want to say anything, as in my book its something as small as getting an ingrown toenail removed. I’m also not trying to take anything away from anybody who has to deal with “real” cancers, and even though I appreciate support, I am not wanting melodramatic sympathy.

But I also believe in sharing personal events with friends, so now you know too!

Long story short, I will still be able to wear my glasses after the op, and I will be fine :wink:


May everything go well @oltman !


I am sure it will go well @oltman

Always share! So many people tend to ignore these things, and even tho SCC is usually not that dangerous, it can be if ignored.

I have had 3 moles removed because they changed colour and shape, so far they have been benign but rather safe than sorry.

Also morning people of the palace have a lovely day


I hear that taking care of it early is clearly the best way to clear any fear of your ear becoming tear inducing hearing gear.

You got this bud! :fist_right:t2:


Vaguely relevant article from yesterday:


You want to apply? Let me know, we can set the wheels in motion. We need someone like you :wink:


Shoosh I was planning on poaching him!


I already tried recruiting him years ago…