Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Good morning. Sympathies to those having to go back to work today already. Except if you’re responsible for the return of load shedding. Then, booo!!



What is it’s not Ninjago, but Ninja Go.


Morning everyone.

Eskom going for another record breaking year I guess.


Happy New Year!


Gotta start early


Greetings earthlings :mechanical_arm:

Hope all is well with each and everyone of yous. Been a hot minute since I’ve been on here. Shits been busy as of late.

So where to start?

The biggest thing to happen this year is I’ve finally moved to Cape Town with the company I am still working for. After 2 years of them telling me they can’t give me an answer as to when it would be operational. Told them I can’t take ‘We don’t have an answer for you now’ as an answer my previous boss told them that either they send me down to help with the actual building of the branch or I’m going to find a new job and they’ll lose an employee that’s hands on in the day to day operations. So yeah excited to be finally able to live with Monster and finally getting and building my life.

And now the stressy part of the last year (2023).

My mother ended up losing her job. The guys she worked for has a guesthouse that she was managing. Refused to pay her 3 months salary and she left. Struggled with getting a job so much so that she borrowed cash from me just to pay for the rent and to make sure the kitties had food. So yeah fuck that guy. There’s some legal eagle stuff that I’m not 100% sure about what’s happening but other than that there is light at the end of the tunnel. She started a new job 1st Dec so excited for her and will definitely help with the problems financially.

And then also now I’m stressing about Ouma. So since I’m not living with her anymore there’s no one that close to her to make sure she’s oky or if she needs something. I’ve tried reasoning with her to move down to CPT so that she can live with her son. They have an extra granny flat in their yard for her so she’ll be away from people. Believe it or not but she likes being alone watching her soaps. But she doesn’t want to budge. I get that the house she has lived in is the only physical piece of Oupa left for her but also that area isn’t the safest anymore. But phone everyday to make sure she’s oky

Other than that I hope everyone had an amazing 2023 and that 2024 with be a year for the books


Good morning beings!


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Morning good beings!

:smiley: :+1:




Good day everyone.

I was at work and now I’m home. My boss does this every year. Should only have gone back next Monday.


While all you peeps were holidaying, I was working! :see_no_evil: Finished on the 31st. I am finally on vacation, and now you are all back at work :rocket: However, there’s a lot to get done on my vacation. Lots of stuff still to do around the new house. Shelving, especially, is one of the biggest things. I still have to set up my new office. And today I did a ton of housework. I vacuumed and mopped and vacuumed some more. I did three loads of laundry and cleaned out the dustbin and its cupboard. I did dishes and cleaned the stove.

There’s a special kind of fitness required for doing so much housework. I’m knackered…


I feel ya, for some reason I woke up before 6am on new year’s Day and I just had an energy to do stuff too.


Good morning. It is the day named Thurs. Own it!


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Good morning everyone.

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Morning all.

Back into the thick of it and back to the grind.

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Good morning earthlings

Hope you all had an amazing week so far. Been struggling to get my stuff at the current house. The movers collected it on the 22nd Dec and been waiting since so hopefully it get here by this week. Still feels like I’m visiting and not actually living here XD but other than that it’s all good this side. Except for the wind didn’t know Gordons Bay experience this type of wind and that it’s normal

But how is everyone else doing? Hope this year started off with a bang

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Yeah, since moving to CT I thought PE was named “The Windy City”, it’s a lie.

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G-Bay has lots of wind, yes. But make sure to take a drive out of the town towards Kleinmond’s side via Clarence Drive. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

It’s a shame about the road being ruined after the floods last year, but they are busy repairing it. We used the road for the first time again this weekend since the floods. We used to drive it 1-2 times a month when visiting my parents in Kleinmond.

Oh, and be sure to go bug @aldyr in Betty’s Bay when driving through there. I’m sure a hermit like him living in a small ghost town would appreciate the company. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


No frikken way! I had no idea @aldyr was down there. I have a colleague down that side and been meaning to take a drive, we even scheduled it for the day (weekend) that we had those terrible weather conditions and the road washed away. But yeah, have to make a plan to make that drive too. It’s about an hour-and-half from us Northern Suburb folks?

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Pretty much yes. Kleinmond is a 1h45 drive, and Betty’s Bay is just before that.