Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Morning everyone.

Really don’t understand why I keep getting these emails.

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Hello earthlings

Hope you are having an amazing weekend. Finally got to go to an Asian shop so dumplings and ramen tonight


Morning all. Sparkling day up here today. Hope yours is looking good too.


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Good morning everyone.


Aloha :hibiscus:


G’day folks. First day that we have water in our pipes since 24 Jan. I don’t normally like bathing, but this morning’s was glorious.


That’s an inexcusable amount of time not to have access to clean, running water in this day and age!

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Good morning. Don’t you just hate it when Monday sneaks up on you again?


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This time with short feb, long claws


While I agree 100%, we were counting our blessing.

  1. On one day in this stint, we had no water, for 9 hours no power, and until about 14:00 in the afternoon, no internet. We realized very quickly how blessed we are that we could push out the generator for power, go to the shops to buy bottled water, and hook up an LTE sim to keep us going. We were keenly aware of all this because
  2. Large parts of Witbank didn’t have water for 8 weeks. The reservoir was taken offline for some maintenance, which caused the teams to realize that it needed a proper refurb. That took 8 weeks, and in the process of cleaning out the reservoir to recommission, we were hit buy a massive storm. 450 mm of rain in about two hours flooded the main reservoir’s pumps, while they were busy pumping to the stricken reservoir. Because of the timing, it meant that the newly recommissioned reservoir wasn’t cleaned out yet, but levels in the other reservoirs dropped so low that they couldn’t serve our neighborhoods.
  3. The muni handled the communication very, very poorly. Telling us they’re pumping to all reservoirs, when they’re pumping to all but (crucially) ours. Tellings us they’ll start pumping soon, only for us to hear the next day that no pumping was done. Stupid votemongering “inspections” by the useless mayor and her entourage to tell us that yes, it’s still not fixed.

Anyway. We’ve had decent water pressure since yesterday, and there’s a Jojo tank lying in my front yard that will be installed later this week.


Good morning. Today is going to be a good one, I can feel it!



Good morning everyone.


Too much football going on and not enough sleep.


For me its too much Factorio and not enough sleep.


Yeeeeeeeees you’re caught in our trap! Have you completed vanilla yet?


Twice now. I started k2+SE and then came back in the holidays and forgot where I was. So I decided to start a new vanilla and go for lazy bastard. Got that just recently.


I tried K2+SE (or as I saved it, KrSEx, pronounce like you want to), and just got overwhelmed after launching my rocket. I never learned circuits, so I just couldn’t balance all the inputs and outputs.

Came back to a clean K2 save now, and really enjoying it. When I complete it, I’ll try adding SEx into the mix again.


OK, seriously, how much longer will people refer to it as “X (formerly Twitter)”… Is there still people who dont know? I dont even use it and I cannot escape it!

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I’m stubborn, I still call it twitter. :smiley:

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It was indeed a good one… on the golf course at least :grin: although it got pretty hot around midday.

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