Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Can confirm, went out for a run at that time.


Good morning. This week is flying by - it’s Wednesday already!


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Good morning everyone.


Morning earthlings

So here a photo dump of how things are currently looking at the warehouse

So yeah still don’t know how long it’s going to take but it’s something


That construction site is my happy place! Props to the contractor for keeping it looking neat!


Good morning!

:peace_symbol: :heart: :smiley:



Morning all.

I need to do and provide some market research on salaries to justify my salary increase/adjustment for the new role. Any suggestions on best places to look for these trends, I know of Indeed and Glassdoor.

This is information that is incredibly hard to get by your lonesome. Massive companies like Gartner and Century 21 spends bucketloads to gather this info, and then charges other companies for consulting to get their salaries lined up correctly. This info is flavoured by where your office is and where you live; the local cost of living.

This is information that your HR should have already. If I were you I’d push back to say that you can show what value you add, and why you’re a 95th percentile performer on their salary scale.

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Yeah, I took a few conversational engagements I had with recruiters for potential positions along with searches for jobs that I would typically apply for within the same skills and responsibilities. Let’s see what happens.

In other news, has anyone else been having issues with Teams? I keep getting a banner at the top of my chats saying that was an error but I can continue using the app. But messages don’t come and go.

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Belated Good (Morning!) greetings to the masses!



G’day mates.

Surprisingly busy two days.


Hectic busy and full of pressure and stress.


Morning all. Bummer with stage 6 again and I was planning on baking bread today. At least I can just leave it in the fridge longer.


G’day mates!

Unexpected Stage 6 and then not getting power back after 4 hour load shedding meant drained battery this morning. Overcast weather is going to make recharging a struggle too, with more LS due at 10:00. :unamused:

Anyway,… living in Africa, ne?!



Anyone heard from @Wyvern recently?
Drop me a quick “She’s :+1:t2:” in a DM if you know, and she’s keen to stay offline at the moment for whatever reason.

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She posted on our F1 Whatsapp group that you refuse to join on Wednesday, so I’m sure she’s just a bit busy for MEW right now.


It’s very possible that I ignored or even blocked that contact. Had 70+ new 1st Year students joining a bunch of WhatsApp groups this week, so it may have got lost in the mix. DM the number she would have likely sent the invite from and I’ll try track it down.


I think that I asked you in the F1 thread or DM if you wanted to join aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago, and you declined, so I don’t think an invite was ever sent.


@Wyvern and I chat regularly on WhatsApp. We chatted just last night about Maple Syrup :smiley: and I will be seeing her next week YAY. I’m sure life is just keeping her busy. But I’ve poked her to pop her head in just to assure you all that she lives.

Speaking of Maple Syrup - Checkers now sells this stuff:


Thanks for the updates all - I am reassured. :smiley:

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