Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Always wondered why modern phones still require sim cards. This seems to be going in that direction.

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Yeah, unfortunately I found out the other day that my phone isn’t eSIM compatible.

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Good morning fellow Fridayians!


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When you get on the plane, take off your shoes and put on the provided socks instead.

Get a comfy neck pillow

The edges of the seat headrest can fold up, this help keep your head in position.

Set a reminder for 5 minutes before check-in opens so you can nab your favourite seat without paying extra.

Put your passport, travel docs, etc - all the important stuff - into their own folder or travel pouch and keep that with you at all times during travel. I always take a small bag that has my charging cable, earplugs, meds, book, pen, cc, some USD, Sudoku puzzles and my travel docs. That goes inside my carry on. When I get on the plane, I separate the two and the little one goes in the seat pocket.

I always pre-select my in-flight meal using dietary requirements. That way I don’t have to risk ending up in the situation where they run out of the thing that I eat and have to end up without a protein because I don’t do seafood on planes and I personally don’t eat beef. So I use the Hindu option for my meal, even though I’m not Hindu, because I’m guaranteed to not get beef. However, this is during the booking of the ticket, so if your ticket is already booked, I don’t think you can change it later, which is stupid.

International layovers must always be 3 hours minimum. I’ve flown a LOT and even with this rule I had consecutive flights that ran late and missed my connecting flight to Joburg once. Another time I literally landed, ran, cut the security queue (I told an airport assistant agent that my flight was leaving in 30 minutes across the airport and they expedited me through the inter-terminal security points, as well as anyone else who was going to be on my flight) ran again and when I reached the gate I told them there are still another 20-something people behind me all coming to the same flight from a delayed flight and they might not be able to run like I did. They held the gate an extra 10 minutes to get everyone on board because they knew they were coming. Communication is important.

Be polite to the flight staff. They have to deal with 200 sardines in a can all of whom are grumpy and who tend to treat them like slaves. They’re not there to serve you, they’re there to keep you all safe, and that means they will bring your drink to you when it’s possible to do it safely.

Be patient. Far too little of this in airports.

A little more patience. Everyone rushes when they travel, which makes the whole experience kak. Just be patient, be relaxed, enjoy the experience, don’t rush. Enjoy the journey. Since adopting a no-rush attitude to flying (greatly aided by the 3-hr min layover rule) it has become a fun and pleasant experience, part of the whole adventure of going overseas.

Talk to your seat mates - if only to ask them what their plans are for the flight. If you need to go to the bathroom 4 times during the trip, don’t book the window seat and wake them up mid-sleep.

Go to the bathroom near the gate just before boarding!
Go to the bathroom in the terminal after landing. You can rush to baggage claim, but you’re going to likely end up waiting for your bag anyway.

Don’t be kak, be lekker.


Morning all. Happy Saturday!


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Greetings from Sydney :wave: :ocean:


Good morning all.

And G’day mate!



Top of the mornin’ te ya.


Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of Monday!



Good morning everyone.

Enjoy Sydney @Beo


If you’re reading this, you made it through another Monday. Well done!



Good morning everyone.


Greetings mortals!!



Good morning everyone.


I am beat!


Hi beat! I’m murfle!


Jet lag?

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Yeah man, I’ve been waking up every night around 2 AM and then falling asleep again just before my alarm goes off. Not to mention the busy days.


G’day immortals!