Don’t Assume My Topic Thread



Morning all


Have a super Sunday!



Morning all. It’s Monday again. Party on. :expressionless:



Morning everyone


Greetings brethren.


Good morning everyone.


Is anyone out there using Copilot?

I was just wondering if it is just my work account, but it doesn’t seem to hold or remember any past queries, or chats.

Morning you beautiful people

Hope you all had a lekker weekend. I’m asking for a massive favour right now. Got a disciplinary hearing notice today and I want out. So I’ll send my CV to those that have something but yeah I’m done


Some wisdom for your day: Never resign when you’re at your lowest point at a company. It will haunt you across your career and you’ll end up making the same mistakes again. Rather address the problem, apologise if necessary, and plan to leave when you’re on the upswing again.


The thing is here I’m doing 5 peoples work. Get kaked on when I don’t get to everything in a day so all in all they are setting me up for failure. It’s to a point where they have nothing against me on the hearing but they want something on my file so that they can fire me for stupid shit. So I’d rather leave before it comes to that


Working for me on my personal MS account, using the free trial version (I’m not springing R430pm for Pro).

I use both the main Copilot site and the Copilot Sidebar in Edge. Both show me recent chats and queries regardless of where I’ve made them. I used the Sidebar for the most recent one - the Summer Game Fest one, then saw your post and went to check on the main page and it’s there. I did notice that it initially did not show but popped up immediately on doing a Ctrl+F5 refresh. When I logged in on a different browser it was there immediately, so probably some old browser cache stuff that needed resetting.

Will test it a little later with a different browser and my work account to confirm.


I’ve got to agree with @FarligOpptreden. When we’ve got pressure to jump ship, we’re willing to compromise on critical requirements for our wellbeing. I’ve been there. I took the job. I quit four weeks later. Unemployment was better than the new shit.

That doesn’t mean don’t do anything. Spend some time figuring out what it is about this job that’s not working for you, and what is. What is on your dream job wishlist. Go talk to a recruiter in your industry - they collect their fees from the company recruiting, not the hopeful employee, so you’ve got nothing to lose. Spend some time sprucing up your CV, get that mofo shining! And then go on at least three interviews before really committing to anything new.

Don’t make an emotional decision, when you can make a better, slower, more informed decision rather.

Also, if you’re asking for work here, at least remind us what industry you’re in! :smiley:


I’ll give a detailed explanation tonight as to why I want to get out of here

This is a very public place. Maybe consider not sharing such information here… I didn’t click the link for the file, but I expect lots of personal details in there. Your online anonymity is also pretty much evaporated by posting something like that here, so current and future employers will be able to read your online profile and judge you accordingly. It happens in this day and age.


Yeah, I don’t even have the additional CopilotGPT’s. My view, like yours in the light theme, stops at the burger menu, I don’t have any of that content on the right-hand side.

Perhaps a limitation to using Safari, or a work account (which I don’t think).

Yoh, what a time to live in KZN!

Tornado hit the KZN North Coast and particularly the town of Tongaat and caused quite a lot of destruction!

These videos are all “verified” by members of the community and ward whatsapp groups. The emegency disaster group is also firing up with rescue attempts.

Caution language.

Not to make light of a dire situation, but someone said God is rioting against the MK election results…


Morning all. First zero degree morning for me this year. Sub zero overnight. I don’t like the cold. :cold_face:



Morning all


Morning all.

Love opening my Mail and seeing that I have magically been assigned around 30 tasks. Today is going to be great :roll_eyes: