A very hazy morning in Joburg. Good Morning MEW
Morning all
Good Monday morning!
Morning all
Morning all.
Morning all
Our afrikaans teacher had this pic on their desktop.
Hey folks,
Angie (Wyvern) has asked me to pass on some information to y’all.
As many of you know, her dad was in a bad racing car crash a few years ago and suffered severe injuries including extensive permanent brain damage. He has been in a care facility for quite a while, and has been in and out of the hospital for various illnesses over that time. In mid-December he developed a septic bedsore (the facility dropped the ball on care). The sepsis was very bad though, and it was unlikely that he would fully recover from the infection.
He passed away in his sleep this past Thursday night/Friday morning. While not entirely unexpected, it is still quite a shock, and Wyv and her mum are very busy dealing with all the stuff that comes with the loss of a loved one.
Wyv is focused on family and work and arrangements right now, and putting one foot in front of the other, so she probably won’t be around on MEW for a while.
If you have her direct contact, she is open to messages via WhatsApp, but give her time to respond. Otherwise, she knows that we love her and care about her and will be here for her when life is a little less insane.
She’s doing okay, but if you want to, send her some love anyway. I once told Wyv that she is the heart of MEW and I stand by that statement.
damn it, I was wondering how things with her dad were going back in December, but did not want to pry.
@Wyvern I have no words to lessen the pain, so I can only offer my most sincere condolences.
@Wyvern if you end up reading this, all the best and good luck with the necessary arrangements. As @Ani said, you’re the heart of MEW, and it’s broken along with yours for the loss of your father. May it heal quickly.
Agreed 100%. Spoke with her on Whatsapp on our F1 viewing party group, but had to quote for truth!
Heartbroken for you @Wyvern, @Nimatek, and your mom.
Sending you guys all the love and hugs you need.
Morning all.