Elden Ring - Souls meets Ice & Fire

Same here for the most part. I HATE difficult games. I’ll often rant about the easy mode on a game not being easy enough for me, but there is just something about the souls games that grabs me and makes me wanna keep pushing. Generally I do end up either using a trainer on PC to finish the game (Sekiro) or rely on the help of others to get through impossible areas (Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborne). I have the Bloodborne platinum trophy but I can promise you if it was a singleplayer only game I wouldn’t have made it past the third boss.


I’m about 8 hours in on my main character which I plan to use and build up through the game.

The experience feels very samey but with a different approach, being open world. I feel like I’m progressing in level and building my character, but not progressing in the game as I keep doing open world like activities. I’m finding it hard to determine the planned or expected path of progression.

With that being said, I am not at any point to rate it nor do I feel like I see why it has so many critically acclaimed ratings, yet. The game is great no doubting that, but at this point it just feel like more Souls but with the typical open world busy work. That’s not a bad thing, just different for the tried and true formula, but it definitely exudes Dark Souls evolution, not Bloodborne or Sekiro.

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Requested a refund. PC controls are HORRIBLE, I think it is because I am so used to playing RPGs on a PC so this was a nightmare for me. Also the gameplay is not what I enjoy at all. All I lost is the download time at least.


I love the game. Played many hours yesterday, took down many bosses.

But man oh man, playing games at launch is a pain and I can see why I haven’t done it in years. There’s network problems on XBox. Many of us can’t play online at all. So we miss out on half of the experience.

What irks me is that there’s nothing mentioned about it. If you go to the Elden Ring twitter account then they mention PC stuff and PS5 stuff but nothing about XBox.



@solitude right now.



Tell me about it. I was about 7 hours into the game before I found the guy that sells the crafting kit near the starting area. I was like, when the hell do I unlock crafting and some kind of throwing weapon would have been useful. :laughing:

I also have no idea if I’ve made any progress at all. I don’t think I’ve found many bosses.

Anyway I guess I’m not getting a refund anymore. :persevere:


I’m not progressing in building my character or the game. Haha. Just keep getting wrecked. But I’m having fun exploring a bit first.

I love the open world approach. It feels like I’m playing a Souls game with heavily BotW influenced map structure. I like it.


I am seriously battling with the first real boss. I’ve killed a few side bosses I am playing a strength build with a giant hammer.

But loving it.

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Margit? Fuck him.

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yeah fuck him. My brother beat him though I need to up my game.

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He’s the first real brick wall in the game. I decided to leave him for now and eplore around the map. I killed another boss that I read now is supposed to be one of the hardest early bosses but he was nothing. Also got a Game of Thrones reference weapon from him.

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Also going for a strength build. I beat Margit a little earlier, took me a good few attempt but eventually did.

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I’ve found a weird area swamp not sure I am meant to be there. Making progress in it though. I lost 8000 or so glyphs.

I am starting to get the hang of it. Jump attack screws up their pose.


Well I’m now 15 hours in and I think I spent about 4 of them so far trying to get past Margit. I don’t know how anyone is supposed to play this game with a character that’s so freaking unresponsive. I really miss Sekiro right now. :rage:

I should have refunded when I had the chance.

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Have you explored a bit. I’m getting close in killing him.

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Margit is beat.

@MetalSoup I also really struggled with Margit. I even restarted the game and changed my class and still struggled. Then I decided screw it and just went in a different direction. I found some new gear, killed some easier bosses, leveled up a few time and then went back to Margit. I did also summon 2 people to help me fight him but it was still not an easy fight. I was SO close to dying again but we did it.


I did it. I finally did it. Been exploring the castle. So much fun.

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I killed the dragon on my own! With a freaken spear, doing so little damage. It took the whole evening to finally get it right.

Love the game!

And I quickly opened up the game this morning and I could connect! It downloaded the latest calibrations and today I can actually play online.


I see all user reviews are slanting the game, and I baffles the mind why reviewers gave such high scores for a game clearly littered with issues? So are we condoning bad performance by giving these high review scores? I think I’ve got my thread idea for next week