Elite Dangerous

A mysterious good Samaritan has gifted me a copy of Elite!

I can’t wait to give this game a try. I expect my Warframe clan is going to wonder whether I’ve fallen off the planet.

Any tips for someone who is brand new to not only the game, but the franchise?


Hot dam nthat’s awesome, mind you, I have two accounts on PC that I no longer use. If anyone wants 'em please let me know.

Take your time to get to know the systems and mechanics, it’s an immense game and you can get lost in it. I still maintain the Elite is really a true role playing game, cos you have to kind of make and find enjoyment in order to get the best value from the game.

Edit: Also, I would advise against watching video on how to rank up fast and get money quick. All this will come with time. So what if you’re in a piddly little Sidewinder, they’re fun to play with.


Also, do you have Horizons update too?


This is pretty comprehensive but take caution with what you want to know.


This is great, thanks @Beo!

Nope! I’ve got the Frontier Grant retail key. Not sure what that means. I think I’ll try the base game out first before deciding whether to invest more money into my account.

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The only new content you get from Horizons is planetary landings, and while those are epic and many missions are tied to them, it definitely is not needed to enjoy the game.

When start this, just think of one thing, E:D is Space Trucking Simulator 3300. You’re enjoyment of the game will be much higher if you think about it like that.

Some noob tips:

  1. Controls are finicky, so take time to familiarize yourself with it. This is no arcade space game.
  2. Start off with normal missions from the missions board. Your Sidewinder is way too wimpy to do anything else. Once you get a new ship, then the game will open up.
  3. Remember that a station more than 50 000 LS away is F%cking far, and will take you at least 15 real world minutes to do, so rather look for a shorter route.
  4. Mining!!
  5. Aisling Duval is bae and if you say anything bad about her, you need to format your computer.
  6. When you start to get money, outfit your ship with a docking computer. There is no shame in not mastering the mail slot (big opening you need to fly through to dock at stations)
  7. If you do more missions for one faction at a station, you get more Rep with them, and they will give you MUCH higher paying missions.
  8. There is a free Anaconda being “sold” at Hutton Orbital in the Proxima Centauri system.
  9. Once you get fighting fit, there is plenty of money to be made from bounty hunting at any planet navigation beacon. Just make sure to take on only those that you can stomach
  10. The computer says FRAMESHIFT drive charging, not FRIENDSHIP drive, although you can hear what you need to depending on your current state of mind.

Maybe if you’re a hauler and interstellar Mr. D. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, your enjoyment come from what you make it.

Also Federation is the only worthy alignment.

Safe travels Commander o7


The most important question for this game: what controller setup is everyone using? I’ve always been curious about it and almost jumped and bought it several times, but I’ve always been cautious about how I’ll be playing it. I recently sold my PS4 and lost access to a DS4 with it. Should I buy a controller just for this game, or is it playable with kb/m?

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I struggled to get into the game initially. With Distant World’s 2, I had a goal to work towards and I started to really enjoy the game.

I used an xbone controller.


I was also secretly wondering if I should get a joystick. I remember getting a stick for Wing Commender: Prophecy and thoroughly enjoying it.

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I also played with XBox One controller. It worked really well. It’ll just take a while to get used to initially. Especially when docking!


Started playing with keyboard mouse, then moved to controller and keyboard, on to joystick and keyboard and eventually ended up getting a HOTAS with keyboard.

Mind you, I think @MalicE still has my HOTAS :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently confined to controller on Xbox.


Be sure to check out ISINONA channel for fantastic flying videos with no Flight Assist. You can get an idea but not really an appreciation for unassisted flight assist until you try it for yourself.

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Nope, Hannes has it


But what were your experiences with each controller setup? And what prompted you to migrate to different setups with time?


Let me first start by saying, every configuration I have played with was perfectly fine and suited the gameplay well. Never once did I find any configuration limiting, cumbersome or frustrating.

PS: Each configuration made use of keyboard in order to facilitate using more keys and button mappings.

  • Keyboard and Mouse
    This works fine for all intensive purposes and every computer player has access too, of course. I found that I just wanted a more immersive experience. Something that gave more control to my movement in game. Keep in mind a keyboard is very binary, on and off.
    The mouse has some caveats as you may need more movement space as you fly in order to change or traverse your axis(axees?). If memory serves you can have your input auto recenter.

  • Xbox Controller (PC and XBOX)
    As a standalone contorller, as @Solitude mentions, it works perfectly fine. The biggest problem is lack of buttons but Frontier have done an excellent job in translating this to controller by giving use of the most frequent and likely buttons in order to do everything you need to in order to fly/dock/fight/etc.
    They have provided some default configuration of button mapping and they have made use of button combos - hold X and press d-pad up to perform X function. This extends across the controller.

  • Saitek Joystick
    This is more an extension of what function the mouse did, I had it in a box, and basically just felt more fluid or more natural. In combination with keyboard this gave the linear movements with the WASD setup.
    This essentially fueled my desire for a HOTAS.

  • HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick)
    I simply wasn’t prepared to splash out on a full feature HOTAS and bought an entry-level one, I would like to try the fully-fledged ones but I think this was a great starter and not too bad on budget.
    This was the best experience I had as it provided much better control over the ship, ESPECIALLY if you want to fly unassisted in space. Precise controls and all buttons and mapping are available within finger extension reach. With the added keyboard this provided extended functionality at your use.

Remember, Elite is completely 360° (not really 360, think they refer to it at 720 or even 1080 degrees of movement). You have a complete XYZ axis of movement alone.

  • Forward/backward movement
  • Verticle thrust (up/down)
  • Horizontal thrust (left/right)
  • Pitch
  • Yaw
  • Roll

I love the idea of this game, but i’m terrible at any flying games. Awesome tips :ok_hand: May give it a go again

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Thanks for the detailed explanation. I think I might drop into the game with kb/m first and see if it’s something I’d enjoy first. I love the idea of the game as well, especially the non-rushed nature of it.


My tip: get a docking computer ASAP, cannot play without one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Which is interesting since the original Elite game I played many years ago, the docking computer was also a worthy goal to have.


I agree. I also used a docking computer. You lose space but you save time.

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