Epic Win Vaping Thread

The guy who fixes this will make a fortune

hehe yea that will be amazing

I am waiting on some awesome stainless steel alien coils - I cant use any other wire - allergic to it

That sounds interesting, I’ve been curious about stainless steel coils

the biggest issue is they build to a very low resistance, so your mod needs to be able to cope with that. Apparently the Ni80 is the best - they last a long time if you just clean them every rewick.

the Stainless is amazing for fruity flavours, decent on desert flavours. But the coil itself degrades very fast.


These Douche Flute threads follow me everywhere on every single forum. No Guys!

I am gonna ask that the people who dont like vaping to stay out of this thread please - this will be a one and only warning.


Was more of a joke :stuck_out_tongue: You should know me by now.

And as for those articles you posted.
I do not smoke, so posting something that is less harmful than something else is irrelevant to me. Vaping have not really been around long enough for any kind of long term research

Hehe im sorry. lack of sleep :stuck_out_tongue:
A lot of the research we are getting now is on 5 year studies, so yes very long term we dont know yet, but in general, I know I am healthier for vaping and not smoking anymore. I also am on less nicotine these days as well. And I vape a lot less than what I was smoking and even vaping is more for social and at night.

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So I bought a goon. Holy shit. This thing is next level. I feel a little guilty about the price, but fuck it. Happy belated birthday to myself.


Im slow to respond, The goon is nice, I prefer the restricted airflow of the rabbit more.

Vape Fest!

Yeah I keep the airflow fairly closed. About halfway between open and closed.

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Yea see that is on par with the rabbit when you have it like that.

Juicy haul

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, panama and gringo.
how does the EZ dripper work?

Like a dream especially when dirivng - it just makes dripping easier and less messy

I also want one of those EZ drippers

I love it, and i dont drip often, but its even great for refilling my tanks

yeah I have moved over to dripping completely. So i just use the goon at the moment. My juice consumption though :sob::sob::sob: