SMACK? Stop Skimming you scum!

You and your dramatic…pauses

Let’s not forget he’s a programmed actor!

Oh lol, I didn’t even realise that was what my character does!

Now that you know who your char is, what is your role? We are having a role call

Can someone tell Zap (@Beo) to put on some pants?

Going through all of this now and 2 things stick out to me:
@Flex, in an effort to throw us all off, is possibly trying to double-bluff everyone.
@Snowbeast pleading ignorance of the game mechanics after seeming to know all the lingo and be all too clear on the game earlier is very odd:

I think he was trying to cover his mistake by claiming that he didn’t know he could PM the GM directly for his question. He later didn’t even acknowledge or make any attempt to dispute @czc’s thought of him perhaps having a killer role, but rather tried to redirect the conversation away from those ideas by vandalising the walls with his slanderous graffiti about our mothers…

For that reason, I reckon I’m gonna have to ##Vote @Snowbeast


Good working theory - last game I was a Goon in the mafia. Our first nights play was not to organise a kill to see where it all went. Later on we decided that if need be we would let one of us to take the fall so the others looked innocent.

Your silence today, coupled with a well thought out theory suggests you have worked in a team. The only way this is possible is if you where part of a team and we all know the mafs have a chat group…

As for the accusation about not correcting myself after @czc 's comment. No need to.

I started today with a distrust of @Flex, but your rehearsed message has swayed me to believe you are maf… As for @Flex, he could still be the sacrificial lamb, but I trust him more than I trust you now.

If you are a true townie you would reconsider your stance…

If not

##vote @GregRedd

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Earlier you were also saying all afk guys need to speak up and and and.
Now you go swinging your vote around :?

@DarthMol did not say much when he got back.
He just showed his face (probably because I voted for him) and went away again.

I’m not allowed to vote for them all.
We can deal with a quick hello now, but a well rehearsed statement after being afk for 4 hours seems a little dodgey.
Maf will be looking to throw townies under the bus to save them being spotted doing the deed at night.

Pretty neatly packaged response there, Killer. I expected nothing less. Together with the retaliatory vote for me, makes me even more sure of my vote. I won’t be reconsidering.

So you accused me of being a killer, not mafia - why?
Only a maf will know who is maf and who isn’t.
Your assumption that I am the serial killer and not mafia does nothing to sway confidence…

In all honesty, how do we even start working out who’s mafia and who’s not on the first day?

For the record - I am a townie - I won’t divulge my role as of yet since that will be to the Mafia’s advantage.

we look for cracks in peoples defence when accused. I think @Flex had it right all along

Okay I trust him. He is not Mafia.
An Honest game of Mafia is the best game of Mafia!

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I ALWAYS DO! Why only start to listen noW?!

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had to put you under the spotlight and see if it all checks out. People crack under pressure.
Handcuffs on your wrists, citizens arrest and a torch in your face with fast paced questions always gets young poachers to talk in real life

Why? Cos I honestly don’t have a clue who is or isn’t Mafia. Just believe your question about being watched was a bit too much of a giveaway, and from what I understand of the game, your type can do harm to both Townies and Mafia alike so best for all to slip the noose around your neck as soon as possible.

would you feel guilty if it came out I was a townie?

TBH @Snowbeast , were you asking the question to the mod for your own action?
It was a mistake you made, slipping up a bit. You did however ask it for a reason though. So would just like to know why.