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It’s like I said before, Game Pass is the most amazing thing that’s happened to gaming.


I posted that video at MyBroadband I was told how pathetic it is. Sigh.

There’s a couple of toxic PS fanboys there who just try and bash anything XBox related.


I’ve never understood the petty console wars stuff. Sure, support your platform of choice. But why get all salty about the things other people like? Why not rather be happy for those that do enjoy different things?

I guarantee that if you gave an Xbox console and a 1-year Game Pass subscription to each of those PS fanboys, not one of them would say “ewww gross, puke, no thanks, cos like Xbox sux bruh, PS4Life!”

Or maybe they would in public, because douchebags be douchebags. But in private, they’d be burning out XB controllers like there’s no tomorrow.


You mean people are actually serious? I thought it was all in jest.


Some of it is, but there are a lot of folk who are very serious about their dislike for one thing or another. And the anonymity of the Internet frees them up to share their dislike with others in ugly ways.


There are lots of fanboys everywhere. People saying how the MS show was absolutely amazing and couldn’t have been better while saying Sony’s show was absolutely terrible. Or the PCMR guys saying all consoles suck, etc. People are idiots. Just play whatever you want on whatever platform you want and get on with it.

I’m not a fan of (most) MS exclusives but I LOVE gamepass. It’s the only reason why I have an Xbox one again. I actually did give some of the exclusives a chance again, but I still find them bland and underwhelming (specifically Halo 4&5 and Gears 4&5).

Hopefully all those games they showed at the event come to PC gamepass as well, but I’m sure they will. That’s the best thing about game pass, you don’t even need to buy the damn console (if you have a PC).


Yeah, what he said!


Has anyone tried played by their Game Pass games while offline?

My fibre is down and I haven’t been able to load up a single Game Pass title, as it prompts for a connection.


I believe it works like PS plus games. You have to be connected. On PC there is an offline mode but I’ve had mixed results with it.


Which works as long as you have an active sub, online or offline.


Since when? If my internet is off none of my ps plus games work. Hmm, could be because of account sharing maybe.


Everything I read cites that any of the respective titles should be accessible for up to 30 days while offline before another online check is required. As long as the Xbox is set as your “home” console, which it is.

Will triple check all my settings…


I wanted to buy Cross Code on switch this month but then I saw it’s on (console) game pass so I downloaded it today. It’s pretty cool. It’s a 16bit JRPG set inside an MMO. Lots of puzzles and fast paced combat.


Just got recommended Alanah’s video and also wanted to drop it in here.

I’ve honestly not checked Twitter and whatnot to see what kind of discussions are trending in this regard, but I would agree that it’s curious that the average gamer doesn’t seem to be talking much about Game Pass while industry journalists and “influencers” are.

It’s also curious that Game Pass hasn’t really stirred think-piece writers, analysts, or columnists at publications like Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft is potentially disrupting the business model of video games in much the same way as Spotify has disrupted the iTunes business model, and the folks you’d think would care just don’t seem to. It’s… weird.




While I completely commiserate, I so badly want to “well actually” her made-up stats.



Nice to see the exclusives listed like that but Yakuza definitely is not an Xbox exclusive (or an action adventure game for that matter - JRPG) . A few of those titles also said console launch exclusive so I’m guessing they will make the jump to PS5 as well down the line.

Technically there are NO more Xbox exclusives since all those games will be on PC as well if I’m not mistaken.


Was also going to ask… surely Psychonauts 2 will be coming to PS5 and Switch as well?

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