[GameClub] Destiny 2

You will find that the loot is awaiting you on the farm - there is a post master there that keeps loot for you that you have missed.

We played till 3am on sat, cant remember how far we got. Really do need to do some end game stuff at some point.

I didn’t play this weekend. Will need to catch up to you lot again.

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Just shout if you need a hand :smiley:

You don’t lose out on loot and glimmer if other people reach a loot box before you. Like @Wyvern said, any loot you don’t claim in mission would be waiting by the Postmaster in your chosen social hub area (The Farm or The Tower). You’ll see the Postmaster’s icon flashing on the map when you open your navigator and view the map of the social hub(s) - that means he has loot waiting for you that you didn’t claim.

Update: The Dreaming City is a wonderful place to adventure in! The Lost Sectors really feel like mini dungeons - the one I completed yesterday afternoon felt like a winding adventure on its own, with difficult creeps and an ever harder boss at the end. The loot was also worth it though - some random drops, a bunch of legendary crafting materials and a 535 prime engram! I’ll post some screenies of my Storm Trooper-esque Hunter when I get a chance.

I’m currently busy grinding the Ace of Spades quest line to get Cayde-6’s super awesome hand cannon. First I had to grind hand cannon kills in Gambit and now even more in Strikes. I just hope they don’t force me to grind kills in Crucible next…

I got some awesome exotic energy weapons (SMG and Shotgun) with the SMG ricocheting laser bullets off everything, with the ricocheted bullets doing 3x the damage of a normal hit! Great for thinning out some mobs, but it feels underwhelming against tougher enemies. For that I switch to my trusty 600 (guaranteed high level drop from the Festival of the Lost!) Horror Story auto rifle. It stacks rampage at an insane level, which allows me to one-shot precision kill most creeps after 2-3 kills. That means I’m pretty much optimising my build for auto rifles currently (i.e. ammo reserves, reload speed, reduced sway, etc…).


Cool. good to know its not a free-for-all first-come-first-served setup, that would be annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

How many story missions did you do?

We finished titan, nessus and I suspect io as well.

I’m still plopping around in Europe.:sunglasses:

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What are you bringing me!

Well, nothing, but join me when you’re free :wink:

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I’m trying to play Crucible, but it keeps on evaluating Guardians… Not sure if it is because of my low level?

haha I will tonight - at the office my work pc will die if I even try to install the game

Well it wasn’t quite $80 but I had bought the game from Raru for R265 a few days before it went free :disappointed:

Yeah, collectors edition was $249.99 on launch. I would have been a little pissed if I paid $249.99 and then it went free.

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So I caved on Sunday morning and bought Forsaken. So far it has been amazing.


Shooooooooooooooooooooooosh I am waiting for a special


Yeah the 25% off was reason enough for me. Also @TechThief I sent a request to the clan. Can not wait to play further. But first i need to level up a bit. Think my next mission is at 410 and I am only 380


Same here. I have so many games to play. I must REALLY want a game to spend R400+ on a game. Even though that is relatively cheap for games these days


I just honestly don’t have that R400 lying around, I will wait and see if there is a xmas bonus this year, and after car service and unisa fees, I will see what is left.