[GameClub] Overlord

I think I would have finished this - but with being away from 2 weeks and then getting distracted by other games I decided to rather leave it than trying to rush through it.

The whole MyGaming/MEW thing over the holidays really made me apathetic to completing this. Whats the point…no cool award to show off, no point to anything anymore

existence is pain

I believe there will be badges here. It’s one of the reasons why this forum software was chosen. @SIGSTART can give more info.

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Would legacy awards/things be carried over? I recall something about rep etc NOT carrying over. People seem keen to “start over”

screw that :stuck_out_tongue:

I would also like it if the badges move over. Lets see what @SIGSTART says.

Hmm the badges are there and we can add more badges like the ones for MyGame/GameClub, however they don’t show on these thread pages. You can see them if you view a person’s profile. We’ll have to check if there’s maybe a plugin to show badges on pages like these.

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To confirm: the idea is to carry the custom badges and awards from MyGaming over. I’ll grab some screenshots so I don’t have to try and remember it all later :smiley:

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Awesome! Thanks @SIGSTART

Also congrats to @Blazzok and @MalicE for being the first champions!

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edit: sucks that it won’t display, silly big gif.

[mod note: is that better?]

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Well making it .gifv makes it a clickable link and no longer embeds it like it does with a .gif

I’ve tried to play around with a bit to get .gifv to work, no luck so far though.

@MetalSoup didn’t you get a .gifv to embed some time ago?

Can’t remember anything like that.

Well whatever you did for it to display as a video should work fine.

I tried to embed it as a .webm but didn’t work. Sharezies?

I just right clicked on the video on imgur and clicked “Copy video address” then I pasted in my post. It turned it into a .mp4 though, maybe that’s the trick.


Ah cool, thanks! :slight_smile:

you are all that is maaaaah? :smiley:

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