[GameClub] Overlord

It sounds like you are quite far already!

not sure, busy trying to kill second hero , I hope it goes faster after this, its a bit of a drag

I tried it out a bit and I think that I’m in the same spot. “Mistress?”

Yep, that’s the one.

I still need to get time to play this. I’ll see how far I get, but my attention is absolutely not with this game at all. What with all the console exclusives I’m playing, and the Xbox One X coming this week, I don’t really see too much motivation for it. But I will give it a good go.

Wow time flies! It’s already time to start voting for the next game.

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So is anyone going to still try finish this game?

I’ve finished it

I’ve been away for two weeks so I haven’t made any progress - deciding if I should go for it or not. I’m still at the early stages.

Will this be the least number or lowest percentage of completions for a MyGame/Gameclub so far?

It sure is looking like it.

Wasn’t Overlord 2 a vast improvement of this one? I hated the first but really enjoyed the second one

I’m so close but I cant bring myself to do it anymore

I still prefer War for Overworld

No idea. I went into this game without knowing what its about.

Really? I found this game so boring so couldn’t go on.

Only 2 days left to finish Overlord!

Haha, I wonder if anyone will rush to finish this game in the last 2 days.

So, Overlord 2 for the next MyGame? :smiley:

Where is the downvote button.


I want it as well!