[GameClub] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I have a plan. I kind of doubt I’ll be able to follow the plan but I’ll try. Also, it depends on load shedding and internet problems. The plan is:

This coming weekend: 10 hours Witcher 3 a day.
My 2 weeks holiday: 10 days of 10 hours Witcher 3.

That will give me 130 hours by the end of my holiday which is hopefully enough to finish it.


No kids will give you that affordance, should be doable :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That sounds very ambitious. Max amount of time I can sit is 1.5 - 2 hours.


Will do a test run this weekend. I can easily do it on console where I sit on a couch but on a pc it’s a lot more difficult and I’ll be playing on pc.

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it is also not so good


Don’t believe his lies. It is very good.


but doesn’t GamePass allow cross-save too?


I don’t know. Have the super ultra deluxe version or something on Steam, thanks to @Talentloos. And the XBone version is just the normal one… I think. I’m not sure.

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I doubt it will if the game is only available on one platform of GamePass. There won’t be cross-save between Steam and Xbox one.

PC is also far and away the best way to play the game if you can. If you have a decent PC the game can still look great and there are a crap load of mods available.

Mods can be a bit of a nightmare as well though. Sometimes the scripts will clash and the game won’t launch and you’ll have to figure out which mod is is the culprit by a process of elimination. However, the weight limit mod (Over 9000) is pretty much essential to fully enjoy the game (i.e. pick up EVERYTHING ).


Combat sucks

If I gel with 3 I might pick up the DLCs during steam xmas sale


No, it really doesn’t. But to each his own


My mods are sorted and I am good to go.


What mods are you running?

I am using the following:

Over 9000 - weight limit mod
Always Full EXP - balances XP for quests lower level than player
Better Trophies - gives better bonuses for equipped monster trophies
Increased Creature Loot (ICL Plus) - gives better drops from killed enemies/monsters
Trade Man -manage merchant gold and exchange rate
Disable Story Books - no story recaps (not really recommended for a first time player)
Enemy Scaling Overhaul - lets you control how enemy scaling works (no recommended for first time)
Shields - adds usable shields for Geralt (IIRC I actually installed it to get different cloaks)
Colored Map Markers - what the titles says, just makes the world map a bit more colourful

I don’t really want to mess with the game too much. There are lots of ENB’s and other visual mods but I stay away. I focus on stuff that I know will enhance my experience,


Do you think I should play with or without mods my first playthrough?


Definitely without, in my humble opinion. See what the first part of the game is like without them, and then try them out from the second “chapter”.


For the first time without them would be better.

But stuff like Over 9000, TradeMan and Colored Map Markers don’t really mess with the game too much. I hate weight limits in RPG’s so Over 9000 is always a must for me.

Always Full XP will just make sure you get the same XP for lower leveled quests as you would have got had you been in the same level range. In practice this means when you, for example, do a level 3 quest when you are level 10 the game will not give you only 1XP at the end of the quest like it does without the mod.

Enemy Scaling, ICL, Better Trophies, etc. I would stay away if you’ve never played.


@Solitude (and/or anyone who hasn’t played the first 2 games)


Better Trophies is the fist mod I ever added to the game did not regret it.


Cool, I will play without mods.

Just finished the Metro Exodus dlc so I’m ready to go. Will start tomorrow evening.