Welcome to Game Club. The first rule of Game Club is to tell as many people as you can about it… The second rule of Game Club is to tell… you get the idea.
Game Club is like a book club for games. We get together and play a game during over a set period, from the start to the finish. Sometimes there are awards that get displayed on your profile. We also chat in the evenings while we play and it’s a lot of fun. Buy it, play it, join our chats in the evenings, be happy and content with the world.
From 13 December 2019 to 31 March 2020, we will be playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. (Folks with Netflix will also probably watch the new Witcher series launching on 20 December.)
If you’d like to join, post here to let me know and I’ll add you to the list.
Participants: @GregRedd, @Solitude, @Beo, @Havok, @Wlad, @MalicE, @DarthMol, @crzwaco, @SIGSTART, @murfle, @Viper, @1nF4m0u5, @Deadlypinecone.
Champions: @Solitude, @1nF4m0u5, @SIGSTART, @crzwaco, @murfle, @Mottamort, @Beo, @Wlad, @MalicE, @Deadlypinecone, @czc
Hearts of Stone finishers: @1nF4m0u5, @Solitude, @Wlad, @crzwaco, @SIGSTART, @murfle
Blood and Wine finishers: @1nF4m0u5, @crzwaco, @murfle
Voting happened in the previous version of this post, embedded below.
Original Post
Since people got really busy over September, October and November, there hasn’t been a full GameClub in awhile.
I have a proposition: With The Witcher TV series coming out on 20 December, let’s all play The Witcher 3 together. We can start this weekend and give everyone until the end of February 2020 to finish the game.
It is a very long game if you take the time to really play it, so I want to give folks more than enough time to play it at a leisurely pace. Maybe we should even give folks until the end of March 2020, then we can play the DLCs and everything too?
Discourse lets me create bronze, silver, and gold versions of an award, so we could even make it that finishing The Witcher will give you a bronze award, if you also finish one DLC you get silver, and if you finish both DLCs you get gold?
Or we can make the DLCs a separate award — silver for one and gold for both? That way the main Witcher 3 gold GameClub award isn’t gated behind having to buy two DLCs.
I’ll create some polls — let me know what you think. I’ll create polls for how you think the awards should work once we’ve had some time to discuss it.
Cribbed from @Solitude’s gameclub topics:
For those who don’t know: Game Club is like a book club for games. We get together and play a game during a specific time period. From the start to the finish. Sometimes there are awards that gets displayed on your profile.
We also chat in the evenings while we play and it’s a lot of fun. Buy it, play it, join our chats in the evenings, be happy and content with the world. The chats are optional though as long as you post in the Game Club threads.
It used to be called MyGame over at MyGaming where we have played 11 of these.
Poll: Should we play The Witcher 3 for GameClub 11?
- Yes
- No
Poll: If we start on Friday evening, how much time should we have to finish The Witcher 3 for GameClub 11?
- End of January 2020
- End of February 2020
- End of March 2020