Some screenies grabbed in Star Wars Squadrons. There’s no photomode, free camera, or even third person views, so have to settle for cut scene grabs, and the occasional in cockpit view when I remember which buttons to press.
Yip! I will be streaming for sure, and I know @Beemerstein also streams to Facebook. The problem is that the stream will only be from my perspective. So I am looking for an overlay that can give viewers info on all racers on track, while watching me spin around around…
This first one is from one of the in-game photobooths. Pre-posed scenes, with members of your squad (that you can switch around) and then add an overlay and filter or two.
In my hijacked electric auto drive car tootling down the Embankment. (Every vehicle you get into you start off manually driving. Not all vehicles have self-drive capabilities. Manual driving with the M&KB wasn’t too bad - I’ve definitely seen worse.)
I see there’s a new Nvidia driver waiting to install that has WDL enhancements in it. Will play some more over the weekend to see if there’s any difference. (And want to try to take some HUDless shots as well.)