Initially try and jump to locations that are secluded and where there are none else, if you are able try to get a location where there is basically none around you at all, avoid the blue higlighted areas and dropship untill you get used to the game and you are confortable with multiple weapons since firefights break out quickly in those areas.
Dying is a given do not be discuraged by it, we also live in SA you may notice sometimes getting screwed by ping, there is nothing one can do about that.
Use guerilla tactics, flanking and “stealth” stick to places where you can hide in cover from snipers. Only try and engage enemies you know you have a high chance of killing, and notify your team if you are engaging the enemy, or even when you are test firing a weapon. Take notice when engering an area if it has been looted before, or signs of any enemies, bloodhound is very goog at this. Use your ping system to notify your team, even if you are on voice, pinging the correct position can be life or death for your team. Also remember to ping hight tier loot for you team to notify them in case they need to upgrade their gear.
The heroes in the game matter, but not too much since most engagements rely on actual shooting prowess, but try and avoid picking Gebralter as he is believed to have a bigger hit-box than the other heroes
The circle closes slowly at first, so do not panic when the timer is up, being the last in the circle is sometimes a good thing as it makes flanking the other teams that are in the circle easier. But be carefull not to be kept outside of the circle due to a firefight, it can make things a bit stressfull which causes mistakes.
Some weapons have bullet drop, be wary of this, also do not be affraid to drop your current weapon for one you are more comfortable with, just make sure you get enough ammo to use it. Try to have varying weapons, you get a total of two, for example: a short to medium range assult rifle, with a long range sniper rifle.