Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

It’s happened now 5 times, lg g8thin q

I’m just tapping the screen to make monies and it freezes the whole phone have to turn it off and on again. Not just screen the whole phone.

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Welp, there goes my progress app froze and when I restarted it reset everything :sweat_smile:

samsung note 10 lite


Another one. I’m researching to see what the cause could be.

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fucking hell…im glad mine didnt wipe everything o_0


Attenborough voice:

The moment the words appear in public, the community gathers in a loose circle to idly observe if @mottamort had just jinxed himself



Been getting a number of game lock ups since the update. May just be becuae I tend to keep the upgrades on the Omega upgrades the most, but it seems to happen there more often than not. Needs me to close the game and relaunch, and all is good again.

Could also just be issues with the BlueStacks 5 emulator of course.

Did Upgrade #7 earlier this evening. Stats at the moment:


Aaaaaand I’m done. For now.


I’ve released a small update, hopefully fixing the Omega upgrades issue, to the play store. Get it at or let it auto update. For those that lost their progress, I apologise. @Wyvern @Donisia

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Atleast we didn’t lose achievements :rofl:


Slow, starting again…


Got this email this morning regarding Google releasing a new ad type, one that shows an ad as soon as you open an app. Hmmm. I don’t think many people will like that, but you can expect a lot of developers will use it. Don’t worry, I’m not going to but just thought I’d share.

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Thats one way to get people to close the app before they’ve even tried it.


So this happened to me too. I just upgraded, would have had about 50 million bonus. Tapped a few stars and then had to help my daughter with something. When I came back my phone was locked. I unlocked it and the app was frozen. No taps registered. I closed it, opened it and its a hard reset with the initial welcome screen telling me about Idle Obs.

Samsung Galaxy S20, all up to date with everything.

Sorry @Entity, dont have more info than that.


Wow, I’m sorry you lost all of that. I’ll try and replicate your steps to see if I can get the same error but wow that sucks.

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I did data upgrade, no issues. w00t

Yes, can confirm any apps that throw ads in my face get a hard lock of NO INTERNET FOR YOU on my netguard or a delete and search for alternatives. Im ok with games/apps going “watch this ad to get another life” and stuff like that, and i’ll watch those ads…Entirely acceptable, but when you then throw an ad in my face every 2-3 buttons/menus i enter/exit, you get deleted…


Leaving us hanging… ai.

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Sorry. Been running around fixing that huge glitch, forgot about this. You are 100% right.

The max q condition is the point when an aerospace vehicle’s atmospheric flight reaches maximum dynamic pressure. This is a significant factor in the design of such vehicles because the aerodynamic structural load on them is proportional to dynamic pressure. This may impose limits on the vehicle’s flight envelope.

I remember hearing it on a SpaceX launch and remembered it when I was working on the Max limit thing.

And no it’s not the GeForce Max-Q :stuck_out_tongue: @FarligOpptreden





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