Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Naw its just me - if I can run the same game on the pc I can get further in my progress!


Ok it doesnt sync progress from phone to the pc app even when synced and logged in


Okay, I’m not familiar with that. Sorry.

By that I meant mockups, but it’s chilled, I can grab screenshots.

That’s perfectly fine, that’s what I’m here for, to help. Not just to tweak visually and by aesthetics and styling, but to help with things like usability patterns, practices, usage guidelines, accessibility guidelines, etc.

This is what I do for a living and I love doing it.

Again, that’s fine. Fat can be trimmed later, get it functional and in users hands, that way we can gauge feedback and evaluate retention and general user experiences. Perhaps you would like to put together a Trello board for tracking your product and tasks:


Sample Project Board

I would also go with Farlig’s approach here.

Just my 2c.


FWIW… I say power on with what you have now, finish it, and then maybe go back and look at a progressive web app port later.

The amount of progress you’ve made in a few months is phenomenal. Keep going!


Yeah aboslutely!


Sorry @FarligOpptreden I do not know any of what you suggested :see_no_evil::grinning:

I started from nothing literally Googling ‘how to make an app for android’ and the first suggested thing was to use Android Studio, so there I went.

I thought I would just start with Android for now as I don’t have a ‘new’ Apple device and later move over. Android Studio uses java or another language called Kotlin, which I had never heard of, so I learnt how to use java rather in the thoughts that it would be more ‘universal’ to move over to IOS eventually. More universal I think than Kotlin.

BUT! Thank you for the suggestions. I will add them to my list of things I need to research and look into when I get a chance.


Thank you for reporting it. I have heard from a few people about this phantom glitch whereby what you explained happens, but then if the app is restarted all is ok again and it picks up where it left off.

I haven’t been able to replicate it yet to see where it happens. So far I think it has something to do with if you get that ‘welcome back’ page but then close the app, or minimise it or something that it glitches.

I am on it :+1:


I have not implemented the syncing across Google Play yet so it will only save locally at the moment.

So demanding :stuck_out_tongue:



Also still happy with it :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing that bugs me so far is if I press the back button on my phone to go back to the game from say the stats, it closes the game


The reason (until now) that I didn’t report the bug that I encountered is coz I’ve not been able to reproduce it. Close/restart of app fixed it, and its minor but here it is anyway -
after about 90 minutes of app being minimized on phone i went back to it and the 1/10/max/next button when you click it would not change. funnily enough the buttons below it would react so it was still “working” it was just i couldnt tell immediately what option was selected as it was permanently on “next”.

Not end of the world and I cant reproduce so tricky to say how it happened, but there ya go.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
also a few tips for anyone who’s an idiot like me -
The upgrade cost is NOT doubling up everytime (i was scared to start over the 2nd time because if its increased cost then its worth waiting longer between jumps). it goes 1000 2000 3000
Clicking the night sky doesn’t “randomly” sometimes give you a green bonus chunk of objects…if you stop spamming the sky for a bit you’ll notice every now and then a white pixel “star” appears. click that and get a bonus (i was literally spamming and never noticed it and just got lucky a few times with clickign it hahaha, so thought it was a random chance to get a boost)


Yea that takes getting used to, that theres no “close” button on the popup menu, but that you need to click the middle Obs to go “back” to main idle page


I have used Trello for all my creative projects for some years now so yeah I am using one for this. Only thing is I can’t really make it public as it has some stuff like login details for some things on there.

BUT! A card on my Trello is to make a new/adapt the current board into a public one for everyone to follow. I like the idea if that as I follow the Dev Trello for the game Phasmophobia and like seeing what’s happening.

I just need to clean mine up as the cards are rough like, ‘this doesn’t work, come back later’ etc.


That is fine, nothing wrong with that. I am by no means trying to make you become more outfacing about your rproject, it was simply a suggestion for productivity and management purposes. I didn’t know you had a system in place :wink:


That is another thing to work on. The way different people use their devices, like for me I never use the back button, but others do. I would press the Obs button to get back to the game.

Screenshot_20210528-103542_Idle Obs_1

But I need to take into account that others won’t. The software has a whole navigation defining/stacking system that I need to look into still that will fix that.


The main reason I want cross save someday is that I want it on my tablet as well :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup, I think that is part of the phantom glitch or maybe it’s own one altogether, but also haven’t been able to recreate the exact steps to find the weak link.

Thank you for the report and for explaining your steps. I will try them out and maybe build on them to try find it.

tenor (10) :stuck_out_tongue:

All numbers and formulas may be changed at some point to fix issues as one is already in the pipe to sort something out. I also want to make a faq maybe, but then I also think it might be fun for people to discover things on their own. I don’t know yet :grinning:


This is the basic layout…

Sorry @GregRedd :stuck_out_tongue:

THIS is the basic layout…

And links to the first few images

If you want to try things.


That’s awesome, thank you!

I must however give you kudos for actually placing the ads out of sight and not making the practice of ad placement too egregious.


I hate those forced ads so I wasn’t going to do that ever but they are there. In that Boosts section are going to be some ad based things and maybe one day in app purchase stuff, but never forced. But I’m not against getting a little pocket money if someone wants to use a boost.

Out of interest, google states that the type of ad I’m using, Rewarded ad, has to be behind a physical opt in thing.

Rewarded ads may only be served after a user affirmatively opts to view a rewarded ad.


I like the way you are handling it now, even for the big boost / upgrade thingy I will be willing to watch ads, anything that lets me earn more ingame when offline will also work great, sane goes for all the boosts etc. I already watch the add that doubles my earning when I come back