Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Good. I’m still getting the save system done. Little by little. Thought I’d throw that bit out in the meantime.


i had quite a interesting bug the other day


Wow. You don’t mess around with glitches

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I’m about to get my 8 or 9th coin thingy…is there a further endgame planned?

Also a request. I see the “offline” time gets saved over restarts, but the other stuff dont, they don’t even get saved over upgrading. its REALLY frustrating over the last 3 days when it speeds up to be clicking that button literally 99 times. Can we not have some more of them (Pointed a tsky objects value, bonus object max time) be permanent upgrades like offline time and bonus object min multiplier are? I understand that data upgrade bonus and bonus divisor should obviously “reset”, but those other ones are the reason i delay upgrading :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: that or a “hold to click lots” feature


yea my finger gets a cramp with the speed clicking XD


I did try and put in a hold button type of thing but it had a glitch so I commented it out and just haven’t gotten back to it, but I think I must just make those top ones not reset. I don’t think it’ll hurt the gameplay too much.

Further endgame so far will be just trying to get a token in the quickest time. Come to think of it, I need to add in a thing in the stats showing your fastest time to a token. I want to add something that you can put more than one token on an observatory to boost it even more, how I don’t know yet.

Further than that I have no more endgame plans. I have some extras I want to add but they won’t extend the gameplay. I don’t want to keep adding features and have ‘feature creep’. When it is ‘finished’ I will take it out of early access and let it run free :slight_smile:


Currently game is broken for me again, can’t press upgrade.

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I’ll have a look. Thanks for reporting it

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Hullo. Dunno if this is still being worked or fiddled on, but I got a new phone. Seems saves didn’t transfer so I starting over. That’s fine,. But the text has quite a blur to it

Phone is a Xiaomi redmmi note 10pro running Miu 12 on Android 11

If not being worked on anymore, just ignore :slight_smile:


Loving this game mate.

Not sure if it is a bug, but I’ll report it.
Lately if I choose to view an ad for boosts or to double my away time, the game adds my extra cash a few seconds into the ad. I can then push back and it will skip the ad and I still get the credits for watching the ad



Sorry for the late reply. Only saw this now.
There isn’t saving on the app yet but it is one of the big things I want to get done. Eventually :grinning:

That is a very strange glitch with the blur. I’ll look for a rom of that phone to try with the emulator and see if I can replicate it.

I am still working on it but I’ve just stopped adding huge changes for a bit as I’m busy with a few real life things. I’m just updating things to keep in line with all the changes Google make to their system, which is often.


That sounds like a nice glitch to have. I tried to replicate it but it doesn’t work my side. I’ll keep it in mind and dig around a bit but I think you should enjoy while it’s still there.

There are a few other little glitches that aren’t game breakers that I’ve left to maybe fix one day.

Edit. Thanks for reporting @Mottamort & @Snowbeast


I’ll screen record it tonight.

Keep it up. Love this game



You’re a star for still playing :grinning:

I’ve noticed how the player base comes and goes in waves as people get bored and move on and new ones join.


I will stop once all my obs have tokens…


That is basically why I stopped. I have more tokes than I can use.


Im done for now


i factory reset my phone (after it started doing weird things, and i was guided by the geniuses of the interwebs that a factory reset after a major android update is usually a good idea), and find i cant login to idle obs anymore. i click sign in in setttings, and it spins, and then it says "you have not signed in to Google Play Game Services. To sign in manually please use the sign in button in the settings page.
…except thats what i’m doing. my other games all copied over, auto logged in and downloaded the cloud saves etc.

Is idle obs dead? :frowning:


Not dead, just put on ice. Had to disable everything during the move.