iRacing - The Ultimate in Sim Racing will be coming down for some required network maintenance tomorrow, Wednesday, December 11th, beginning at 10:00am UTC.

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Wed 2019-12-11 0400 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Wed 2019-12-11 1000 Race Servers Unavailable


IMSA Practice -
also on MEW discord


So, I eventually managed to get a few practice laps and a race in this evening. Went okay, gradually getting comfortable with the wheel. Still well slow, but focusing on keeping it on the track at the moment.

Qualified 4th, terrible start dropped me down to P9 on Lap 1. Made a couple of places up when some pitted, and two more from spinners. Back up to P5, a caught back up to the lead group. Then coming round the 2nd last corner, thereā€™s a car across the track in front of me. Canā€™t avoid T-boneing him, contact gets me 4/6? Incident Points, and drops me back down to P8 by the time I manage to get going again, which is where I end.

Clipped a Practice prang that took me totally by surprise - donā€™t know if it was intentional or not, but the way my car catches the fencing means I died at this point. Second half of the video is the crash in the Race. (And also a bit of me trying to work out how to use the Replay cameras :slight_smile: )

I do want to ask though how the splits are worked out? I thought Iā€™d be racing with drivers around the same level as myself? But there were more C and D drivers in my race than Rookies?

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Are you enjoying it yet @GregRedd?

On my side I emailed Vodascum now. I just donā€™t have internet in the evenings. It finally came up last night at around 9pm but it was unusable.

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iRacing or the G920? Actually ā€œitā€™s getting betterā€ probably applies to both. :grinning:

The wheel is fantastic, just wish there were more buttons on it. Got very used to the 20-odd that are on the GTDF. Muscle-memory has me reaching for buttons/settings/chat messages that arenā€™t there anymore. Also, the brake pedal on mine is ludicrously stiff compared to the old one. Iā€™m using the clutch pedal instead at the moment. Still need to do a lot of tweaking of the settings, and get it setup and configured in other games, but so far no buyers remorse :grinning:.

You or @DieGrootHammer (I think he has the G920 as well) want to share your button config for iRacing?

iRacing itself is still taking a bit of getting used to in terms of the UI and all the series, license and ratings stuff, but Iā€™m slowly working it out. Spent way too much time yesterday fiddling with the HUD layout and trying to find a good FOV for driving. The MX-5 is fun to drive at my current level, so Iā€™m happy to keep at it for a while still, especially now that I see I can keep using it for the D and C licenses.

All I need now is a little time and a stable electricity supply, and Iā€™ll be right up there with the rest of you aliens soon enough.

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@Nosferatie, where is this overlay that you use on your Twitch Steam from? And does it come with a track map?

Glad youā€™re enjoying the G920 dude. It is a great wheel to get into things definitely.

At the moment my button setup is pretty standard for the early license cars. In the Mazda or the Kia that I was driving, there isnā€™t a lot of things to change, hence why I never really bothered to change any of the button configuration. Iā€™ve also kept the wheel setup pretty standard if you go through the setup wizard. I do however change a bit on the brake settings, and will have to go have a look at what that is set at right now. I also set the force feedback to be at I think 3 Nm of torque, but I can be wrong. Will give it a look and let you know.

I did a few laps with @oltman and @Nosferatie last night in the Ferrari. Was my first time driving a GTE car in iRacing, and I absolutely sucked at it. The braking on the car feels very weird, and Iā€™ll have to go and change some settings to get more comfortable and consistent on the brakes. That was my biggest issue. On turn 1 and turn 4 I would always have inconsistent braking performance, and I would either nail the corner, or go super wide. Iā€™m starting to understand why people keep saying that the G920 just doesnā€™t have a good enough brake pedal.


I found it on a forum somewhere. It is a addon for SimHub.
I only use it for the stream, I donā€™t use it in race. So viewers can see it, I donā€™t.

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Turn the brake balance a couple clicks rearwards. Helps get use to them.

Iā€™ll definitely go and test different brake bias settings. Have to also setup the brake a bit different to have a bit more travel to not max out the brake the moment I look at the brake pedal funny. But all other cars have been comfortable at that setting. Iā€™ll just play around with settings to get something better. Or upgrade to something with a load cell brake pedalā€¦

Top tip, when you start the session and still in the pits, hit your pedals to the floor so iRacing knows the max travel. Do it every time you load a new session.

Donā€™t askā€¦


Hmmm, this is a hot tip. Iā€™ll remember that thank you.

@GregRedd what I do is not push the brake pedal as hard as I can when doing the setup in iRacing. You then donā€™t have to press so hard. I actually had it perfect before I had to format my machine. Now itā€™s still not 100% as I want it.

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iRacing is down - Go test cars boyzā€¦

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I can vouch for this tip being liquid hot magma. Do it or you will not have consistent brakingā€¦


Got to play with a Ferrari around Silverstone for a bit. Didnā€™t make a clean lap, but did get to work out how to take a nice picture or two without that super huge iRacing logo in it :slight_smile:

Also squeezed another MX-5 race in. Much better than last night race wise. Still a good 1.5-2.0 off the lead cars so only qualified 7th. Much better start that last night though, and managed to sneak a couple of places into the first turn. One or two spins ahead of me and I was running P2 for a few laps before the fast fellows caught me back up. Finished unscathed in P5. Another couple of decent races like that and Iā€™ll be able to post my D pic in here too.

*A picture of my D license you filthy minded lot.


Btw, donā€™t read in too much into the BMW hype, Ferrari still good.




As promised, hereā€™s my D pic :wink:



I also am racing with Oltmanā€™s paint now

Iā€™m the one with Mrs Queenā€™s flag on the back and yellow stickers on the nose.