Mafia 3.0 The Big Bang Theory

And I think the amount of doubt I put into town mind regarding Wyvern. Or actually she managed to place all the doubt herself =D

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Well they couldn’t get enough votes since with 6 players at that time 3 of us were Mafia. Basically with Murfles death we had effectively won.

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I have to admit, I was super super tempted to kill @Flex x off like he did to me in my first game. I opened a crate and died. He was the maf boss so couldnt.

The generator also screwed @Wyvern over. it was a super hard role to play as their is not much info on it anywhere

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Hahahahaha! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hence why I gifted it! Had a feeling Maf were a bit too OP at that stage. So opening it would have been suicide.

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I can honestly say, I have tried, but I suck at the game so I shall bow out rather :slight_smile:


your problem is you are popular on the forum and cause “kak” so naturally you attract a lot of heat in Mafia


Wahahahahaha!! =D

Causing kak :stuck_out_tongue: