Medical Aids

Was also paying about the same for medical aid as for my house. I just cant do it any more so dropped to a lower option for next year. Saving about 3k per month for family of 4. Annual limits are much less for out of hospital stuff, but at least in hospital is still unlimited.


I also hate medical aid! I’m so unhappy with Medihelp right now. And same here - we pay more for our medical aid per month than for our house, W&E, R&T, and levies combined! Ugh.

My main issue with medical aids is that nobody offers customisable plans. For example, I don’t want, nor do I need, nor will I ever need Maternity benefits. I would much rather receive proper coverage for contraceptives and other related procedures, but no, I am a woman so obviously I must have maternity benefits.

And the fine print hidden away in their 400-page rule documents that result in your entire medical aid being depleted by March so that when you get bronchitis you can’t even afford to visit your house doctor :frowning:

The first medical aid to offer customized plans will get my business almost immediately.

Oh, and medical aids cannot exclude serious illnesses or treatments/medications for life-threatening conditions during the first months. You just need to get a letter from the doctor to say that, and they will waive the exclusion.