Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Confirmed hard tyre wear distance’ish.


Thank you for your service! :grinning:

Let’s get racing!!


Welcome to the Club @Munage - very glad to have you here. Except of course if you drive as well or better than @aldyr - then not so much :stuck_out_tongue:.

Will we able to get to my PC in about 45 mins and will confirm your allocated car then.

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So yeah, clearly a little longer than 45 minutes… sorry.

@Munage, as entrant #12, you have been randomly allocated the third Skoda Fabia to use for this Championship - good luck!

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Awesome, Thanks! :grin:


Final adjustments made to the season events and format. Couldn’t add more than 3 stages (max is 12 in DR2) so made a couple more events 12 stages long:

So Wales, Sweden, Australia, and the final round in everyone’s favourite, Argentina, all get longer events.

Also note the small change I made to the start date and time. Instead of starting on Saturday morning, we’ll start each new event at midnight Sunday morning. That way you’ll have a Sunday, a full weekend and the next Saturday to get your times recorded.

Only other change is the service stops. As mentioned, on the 9 stage events we’ll have just two stops, with one additional stop on the longer events.

The stage routes, weather conditions and surface deg settings were all randomly generated. I’ll post the route for each event sometime in the weekend before so that you can have a little practice time ahead of the start.

In case you missed it earlier in the week, and want to practice tomorrow, here’s a reminder of the route and stages for Round 1 in New England, USA:

Good luck, drive carefully, don’t cut!!


Thanks @GregRedd, looking forward to it.

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Now why don’t you partake in your own little pain experiment, @GregRedd?

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I possibly might this time with a little more effort :smiley:

I do genuinely want to try improve in all the driving games - just honestly can’t find the time to dedicate to practicing properly, or even just playing the content in the games. Like I realized while I was setting up the events for this season that I haven’t actually driven a single stage in 7 of the 12 venues yet - and DR2 is a game I’ve had since launch :neutral_face:

But yes, I do want to at least try all 12 of these events - even if it is all last minute and only gets me a participation point. :muscle:


Well I am rooting for you! :smiley:



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I don’t either XD Let’s be amateurs together! I just played DR2 last night for the first time.

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I have setups for the spaceship to share. Ease the pain a little…

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DMs are open :smiley:

Vee Duub!



Mountain climbing?


Just a little bit. Luckily there was a big pile of rocks to stop me from going too far down


I forget how pretty this game looks. VR only club :man_facepalming:


Lol exactly, after installing the game on Friday, I decided to first try pancake mode to see how nice it looks before I destroy it. But I don’t mind, because I drove much better immediately after switching to VR

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