I am keen for anything that gets more people playing. I lean towards hardcore masochist, which is the only reason I thought an RNG car would be fun and funny. Imagine you land up with a car that you have to learn on the fly, and deal with it’s quirks. That said, R5 cars are easy driving, forgiving rally cars. In case you’re wondering about being delt the slow car, here’s some performance data by a little known youtuber ranking the cars
There is some margin for error here, and some caveats. He’s using default setups, and my own testing contradicts his Pug 208 being the slowest, and in fact his Citroen variance (how consistent the time is, ie. how easy is the car to drive) is opposite to mine too. Handling characteristics is also never mentioned. And I suspect his times are slow, because his driving style doesn’t match that citroen.
@GregRedd A little suggestion and reasoning, use it or don’t. There’s precious little importance on tyre choice based on when the next repair station will be, ie. how long your tyres need to last. I’d like to see some spaced out repair stations, not because I want to see people total their cars, but because it’s a risk reward type of facet of the game, that I think is lost, when there is no fear of worn tyres. This isn’t hardcore damage, so wrecking is less of an issue. Missing a crucial bend and sliding wide to get stuck in some trees, because your tyres are worn is the type of thing, that is ingrained in Dirt Rally. It forces you decide whether it’s worth summoning your inner Colin, or to drive miss daisy to try to save your tyres, because you know you didn’t quite choose the best tyres for the 3rd stage. I think it helps to balance the more experienced drivers against the less experienced, that way they can’t just flatout the whole country.