Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

:thinking: Raise your car, soften fast dampers.



Bleeding first and last stages… grrrr!

Puncture at the start of sector 2 on the last stage after hitting a rock that also killed my lights destroyed my hopes of finishing within 5 minutes of @Slinx - alas, not to be.

But, I did hit peak Greg on Stage 8:

Presumably he had a crappy run, but I’m taking the Stage win and framing it!


You can take your win. I lost concentration and with it, all the air in my tyres…


Exactly! :rofl: I got the thrustmaster TMX pro

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so i found a fast line, wouldn’t recommend tho.


Yeah, when your “fast line” adds 8 minutes to your stage time it probably isn’t really a fast line :joy:

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Stage 5 though. The level designer must have been feeling extra salty the day that was designed. I left my front end all over that rock.

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Incase anyone wonders why i havent put in my times yet…


That dog found her new favourite spot


I fired Phil… new co-pilot is a bit furry and only gives directions to the nearest treats


I was sooo close to catching you @GregRedd! Finished just 4 seconds behind you after the last stage.

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Looks like Greece was a challenge for many of us, and probably the toughest rally overall in our season so far. Lots of punctures, a fair few rollovers and some very slow times getting to the finish on some stages. And sadly, a few Terminal Damage DNFs too this time.

Who knew Greece would be such a pain in the arse?! :roll_eyes::grinning:

Greece is the new Argentina

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It rained in Greece, :anguished:. The surface degradation made for some nasty camber changes, that forced me to tiptoe, I mean tipfinger :smirk: through the old kingdom

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sigh, left my last 5 stages to do on the last day and didn’t get time to do it. Note to self, don’t do that again.

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Ahh Greece, you fickle mistress. A tough round to bring the European leg of the season to a close, with just 7 drivers who reached the final stage with their cars still moving and their stress levels still under control.

Once again, the rally results show a clear 2 class event with the Group A (for Alien) drivers separated by just 2-odd minutes and filling the podium. (That would be @Aldyr, @Munage and @SlinX).

8-minutes or so behind the leader, the Group Not-A (for Not Alien) drivers are again clustered close together, with just 20 seconds separating @Deadlypinecone, @DarthMol and myself.

Last of the classified finishers was @WarRack101, who ruined his rally looking for a “fast line” that wasn’t all that fast :). Also classified in the result table are the 2 unfortunate DNF drivers, @Boogey and @the9avenger9, and non-finisher @Dragonic still picks up a participation point for completing the first half of the event.

Despite the DNF in Greece, @Boogey still holds onto the overall Championship lead, but the chasers have all closed the gap on his lead significantly. @Aldyr’s max points for the Greece win moves him into P2, one point ahead of @Munage.

With 3 events still to go, and anywhere between 25 - 35 points available to the winner of those events, there is still a lot of opportunities for those positions to change before the end of the season. The final quarter of out R5 championship has the drivers head into the Southern Hemisphere for stops in Australia and New Zealand, before the season finale in Argentina.

:australia: 2020 MEW DR2 R5 Rally Championship - Round #10: Monaro, Australia :australia:

Round 10 takes us to the dusty fringes of the Australian Outback in the Monaro district for the Australian Rally.

You have a variety of surfaces to look forward to driving on this time - everything from loose and stony gravel, smooth high speed sand stages, and even some tarmac sections. And although our route guide shows all 9 stages will be dry, there’s always the chance for a muddy patch or two on some of the farm tracks. Throw in a handful of big jumps and you have a rally that has a little bit of everything in it. And as arguably the rally with the widest variety of conditions to drive, keeping your car at default settings should be okay for the most part.

Another 12 stage event this time, with 2 Service Stops at Stages 5 and 10. Also only 2 long stages (S3 and S10). The final stage (S12) is a high speed descent of Norinbee Ridge in the dark, so be sure to repair your lights at the S10 Service Stop, and look after them through S10 and S11.

Good on you mates! Soon as you done throwing your motors around, feel free to grab a cold one from me eski and join me at the barbie. Cheers!


I’m going to have to up my game if I want to get ahead of Mr @Deadlypinecone


I should be able to put up a time after Thursday.

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Time to pull my socks up and do amazingly well if I want any hope of catching @GregRedd. Thanks for the participation point though sir.

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