Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

I blame Ori :grin:

But I will get on it soon

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Racenet was down, so I stopped checking. Something about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome…

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So, could I join this? Or the next one I mean. I see next month’s PlayStation Plus free game is Dirt Rally 2.0


Yay!!! Definitely, the DR2.0 Club settings allow for cross-platform members, so yip, the moment it drops for you, you should be able to start posting times.


Thats cool.


Game of the Year Edition is out now for PC, and on 50% off until 06 April on Steam. Contains base game + all 4 seasons of DLC released to date + new Colin McRae DLC pack for R164.50 (with SA regional pricing).

Base game is also on special at less 60% (R87.60) but excludes any DLC.


I have had some minor hardware annoyances switching between these too. My handbrake disappears when play dirt rally, but it’s fine on dirt rally 2.0. The lack of weight in the cars, is weird, going from DR 2.0 to DR. Now I understand why so many people complain of “floatiness” in DR. DR 2.0 has been a little more resilient in catching data, after crashes. DR will just drop all my progress sometimes.

Meh, just me working up to saying, I’m gonna focus on DR 2.0, and i’m over DR. DR 2.0 also has way more content.


By chance I was doing the Swedish rally in DR2 career mode before I switching to DR to do the last 2 stages, both Swedish stages that I just did in DR2 moments before.
There’s a clear improvement in the way the car responds to inputs in DR2, I feel way more confident throwing the car around in 2 and when I mess up it always clear to me what I did wrong.


Reminder not to wait too long to finish this, because of undersea cables and overall kak internet.

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I had such a clean run thought the whole event only to get a puncture halfway through the last 12km stage…

Codemasters spreading the word




Yip, its why I haven’t started the download yet.


It is still weird to me that that’s how they do it. Would make more sense imo to only install the base game and then DLC elements only on demand when they’re needed.

In case you missed it though, here’s why they do it this way…

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It’s not an issue. I’ll let it go through the night. It was just hectic to see.

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@GregRedd I have applied to enter

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And, you’re in…

Now learn the secret handshake :slight_smile:


Thank you verrrrrry mooch :slight_smile:


Almost finished the round. Taking my time with the stages but I do feel like this game is a bit more forgiving. I can bump the car a lot more and not worry it’s made of glass. The one stage I knocked my one side of headlights and brights off and had to struggle with the limited visibility, but I hit hard in order to knock the lights out.

But I have to excuse my time, It’s not my fault, my co-driver has no pacenotes and is just making things up as we go, which makes things dificult.

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it :slight_smile:


Three or so days left to cruise through the New England back roads without a roadbook or directions - hey, road trip!!


Time to hook up the ol’ steering wheel and get DiRTy…