MEW DiRT Rally League [MEWRL]

Codemasters need to sort their online crap out! I had to restart the game after every race as it just won’t connect to Race net! Trying to get this thing done tonight!

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Yip, that’s it. But, i did manage to complete the rally! Thanks for that, oh evil rally master!

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Yeah, it’s a disgrace. DR is only 5-odd years old, and while I accept that DR2.0 is going to take precedence, CodeMasters could really put a little of all that F1 money into updating the websites for both games, and into stabilising the servers for the Dirt Rally games. (Or at the very least, releasing a dedicated server tool so that folks can host their own leagues and events.)

LIke I said last week, this Group B event and one more for next month will be the last DR events I setup - the PT involved in getting your times uploaded pales into insignificance when compared to the torture of setting up 12 custom rally stages for the game.


So one more season and then we switch to Dirt Rally 2.0 exclusively?

@Avatar there is your answer on which Dirt league to join.


Well not necessarily. If someone else wants to take over creating events for Dirt Rally, they’re most welcome. It’s just not going to be me :smiley:

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Awh, you remembered… :smiley:


It’s so little grip!


Right I’m done. 4 seconds behind Oltman, not bad. But let’s see when @aldyr and @SlinX finishes. They are the aliens on this.


Sorry @Dragonic, really don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but that is 4 minutes behind me :wink: in a rally that more than an hour long, that’s still not bad!


hahahahaha dammit and I remember when I was typing that, I thought to myself, isn’t it 4 minutes?


22 seconds clear after 2 stages. Tune in next time to find out if Slinx can keep his shit together for the rest of the Rally!

Man, I have such a love/hate relationship with Group B.


It’s better in DR 2.0. Here’s definitely harder to control, less planted

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Nice to see so many drivers have started our Long & Short of Group B event…

…but, only 3 with event completion times on the Leaderboard so far.

Remember, unlike in DR2, in this version, you must complete the entire rally in order to qualify for points. You’ve got 6 days to get her done!

(On that point, please keep a screenshot or two of the Leaderboard as you complete stages and the rally, just in case I miss the cutoff time again and can’t grab a results screen at the end of the rally.)

The final of the four events that I have planned for Dirt Rally is set. Eventually. Took 3 hours to get it to accept in the system yesterday!

But it is a doozy! Instead of a Ford v Ferrari thing, we’re having a Ford v Volksie Challenge to cap off our DR league. And you’ll have a whopping 24 stages in which to have your driving skills tested. No snow, ice or Monaco walls though, so be grateful for that!

I have set both Stage Retry and Event Restart to “Yes” again due to the ongoing issues with the servers and uploading times and stuff. But if all goes well, you can take breaks before the start of each fourth stage, at the change of location. Service Areas, Vehicle Tuning and Checkpoints at Stages 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 should be enough to break this epic marathon of a rally up into manageable chunks!

You’ll have the choice of using either the Ford Fiesta RS or the Volkswagen Polo Rally for your challenge, which opens 30 minutes after the Long & Short event ends on Sunday 30 May, and runs through until the final Sunday of next month, 28 June.

Starts 50, 3 left tightens into 2, in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…


Or just let me have my 3rd place :stuck_out_tongue:


Do cut, be brave


So my engine failed on the last stage.

Screenshot for @GregRedd

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Ahh, that’s some really bad luck Crusader! Sorry dude. But at least it get’s you on the board and eligible for points. Well done! (And thanks for the screenie!)