MEW Driveclub Challenge Season 3

I’ll also give it a try today

Hi all. I’ve just made week 2 live. I’ll do the results for week one soon.


Enjoy it:

Oh no, I forgot to put up a time for week 1. Will try to remember to do one for week 2 this weekend.

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It’s worth just starting it up and getting a quick lap in. Doesn’t take much to get an entry, and then if you have time during the week to try better it.


I put up my time. Might try to improve later, but there is something at least. It’s not that I don’t have time (I have lots of that) it’s that I have so much I want to do I never get around to actually doing anything. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for putting up something at least :+1:


I’m amped to get back in again! Also curious to see the results. I wanted to put up another time yesterday, but baby duties gained priority and we ended up going to bed after he eventually got to sleep…


I had fun doing it, even though I just did like 2 laps quickly. Just wanted to get a time in so I have something in case I don’t get around to it again. I rarely play on my PS4 at the moment. Mostly just guitar and Dark Souls on PC right now.


Ok, put up a lap time. Damn you @Grievous for bettering my time at the last minute!

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Yeah I saw that. Busy doing the results. Sneaky

Here are the results for week 1

Thanks everyone for putting in a time. Good driving all round.


:rofl: I didn’t know i had until i saw your message. I put in a few laps and didn’t think i had improved it enough and quit without checking.


Put in a few laps now. Great driving all round by you all. I didn’t go too hectic. Less than a second. I need to learn those slaloms.

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I must say i like the car choice, it handles quite lekker. For once when I forget to brake ahead of time I don’t smash the car. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah it’s light and zippy. Quite powerful. Because of the lightness I struggle on those slaloms with the small uphills. The car lifts and you lose traction. Gotta work on them

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I will get back into this this week!


I’m back in second place! Great lap and car choice @Entity , it’s an incredibly tense lap.


Okay, I finally got traction and set my time up for this week’s challenge. What a lovely little car and a nice flowing track. Great choice.

Some good driving happening here :+1:

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Week 3 is here, a little bit trickier this week with some slight weather rolling in. Invites have been sent.


Enjoy it: