Nice plan Flex! I’d be interested but very much on a casual basis. My FPS abilities are entirely non-existent, but I’d happily sacrifice myself to a PUBG team looking for cannon fodder and a laugh. I’d also be keen on a PCars2 championship - but again on a casual basis (at least to begin with).
From memory, I’m pretty sure PCars2 is not cross-platform enabled sadly. The Private Online Championship feature in PCars2 is absolutely perfect for eSports, which makes it doubly sad. I guess if there are enough drivers on more than one platform you could create identical Championships for each which should (in theory) produce comparative times, but not enough to combine them manually into one master Championship.
Forza Motorsport 7 - competitive, Xbox One
Project Cars 2 - competitive, Xbox One
F1 2018 - competitive, Xbox One
PubG - casual, PC
Age of Empires - casual, PC
I forgot Over Watch is also a huge comp game at the moment.
I will be playing some CSGO as well as overwatch tonight if anyone wants to join. I want to get the ball rolling, see who can be in leadership positions and so on