MEW eSports

Thats the name. Could not remember it for the life of me. I knew it was something else after AGASA and before DGL. Eish we were in little old 4th Div.
My proudest moment was playing a Free For All comp at OC and making the final 5 or something. But that dude from BvD(back then they were Brazen) Faith was also competing and won. I ended like 3rd or 4th and I’m not that great :smiley:

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Going to play the PUBG solo aiminganonymous Tournament this weekend, and then the Duos along with my brother next weekend

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Got a link? Would like to have a look :wink:

@Tom there is the solo one

Here here is the Duos


Ah man its full…


(10 chars)

Pc or Android for pubg?

It will be PC

Ok cool, anybody keen on android pm me. Keen to have 1 friend - it’s a goal from my parole officer :smile:

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I do not get the mobile PUBG :frowning:

Why not join PC?

Getts fark expensive using mobile data.
We have a ISP coming into the area that is more affordable and stable, then I’ll be in for PUBG and CS:GO

Guys have LTE overage?

Take over an uncapped LTE special perhaps?

I’m on the fricken fringe, telkom says it wont work where I live.

The guy that took over my contract had the same issue. They would not give him an uncapped contract. Hence why he decided to take over someone elses contract. You have any way of testing LTE there and see what the speeds are?

My mother in law has one of those telkom modem things, might just get a telkom sim.
I get between 0.1mb/s and 40mb/s with MTN

That is quite a big gap in min to max speeds :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of people in towns are getting rid of their Telkom LTE Uncapped accounts as Fibre is being rolled out. R799 ± for uncapped LTE is not too bad.
If you can get hold of a Telkom sim to try id give that a shot.

I’ll try it next weekend.

We not friends Telkom and I.

Said we dont have telkom lines in our area, told them we do. back and forth, eventually told us flatly they will no longer support the lines in our area so we asked them to remove the 200m of lines on our property, after 6 months we pulled the poles out and asked them to come collect their stuff.

I do not think Telkom have many friends left.

HAHAHA But wow that must have been an excellent story to follow and watch unfold.

I’ve still got their poles and cables.
I’ll use them soon if they dont come

Holding their poles hostage!

That is pretty brutal