MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Other situation - share your story below
I bought it 5 minutes after it was released for pre-order. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a much better proposal, and will tell you all about it below.
We have one more race in 2019 and then move to 2020 when it releases soon after that race. I’m prepared to help someone buy the game if they can’t afford it right now.



I’ve got 2020, but I want to re-iterate what I said in race last night, I don’t think we should move over to 2020 if anyone that wants to race gets left behind.


Who is hungry for racing in Hungary?! Next week. On the day that gets the most votes:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Noday

0 voters

@DieGrootHammer @Avatar @Solitude @DarthMol @Camky007 @SlinX @Nosferatie @Talentloos @Pamar @TH3MAESTRO @Konck @Kwaai @czc @oltman

@DieGrootHammer @Avatar @Solitude @DarthMol @Camky007 @SlinX @Nosferatie @Talentloos @Pamar @TH3MAESTRO @Konck @Kwaai @czc @oltman

If you haven’t got F1 2020 yet, now’s your chance. You can get R35 off due to the Steam Road Trip Special.


Hey @GregRedd, please could you provide a standings update? I am having sleepless nights :grin:


Okay, so here’s the F1 standings after the German GP:

The votes are in for this weeks’ race, and 8 out of 8 votes were for Thursday, so we head to Budapest and the Hungaroring for the Hungarian GP this Thursday, 02 July from 8:30PM


This will be the last GP we run before the launch of F1 2020, so let’s make the most of it in case we get too sidetracked by all the new shiny and forget that we’ve voted to continue running the season on 2019 (with or without some 2020 racing inbetween).


Basically, get your good selves over to Hungary on Thursday.

@DieGrootHammer @Avatar @Solitude @DarthMol @Camky007 @SlinX @Nosferatie @Talentloos @Pamar @TH3MAESTRO @Konck @Kwaai @czc @oltman


I work as a mechanical design engineer for a fairly large industrial automation firm, and we’ve been fortunate to have a lot of projects till the end of the year. With this in mind, as well as the entire COVID scenario, the boss has asked our entire department to work some extra hours to try and get ahead with all of the design work.

As a result, I might have to skip the race this week. I’ll try my best to at least join the Quali and the race, but just in case I miss it, enjoy the race! I suspect there will be a few crashes since the Hungaroring doesn’t like overtaking that much!


No worries, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully the overtime work is beneficial for you! :smiley: We’ll see you at the next one.


I won’t be able to make the practice but will join at Quali, hopefully. Got a meeting shifted to Thurs. I should be able to slip in and take over my AI driver, I think


Maybe we should move this week?

I’ve got bad abdominal pain since Sunday. Trying to get it to go away before Friday. If it’s not gone by then then I’ll go to the doctor. Haven’t practiced a race at all yet because it’s just too sore.


In consideration of our ailing, meeting committed, and hard working drivers, a proposal to postpone the Hungarian race to next week Thursday.

Means AC drivers will race on Tuesday and Thursday (and some even on Monday as well in the ACC Monday event.) Also means we will have back-to-back F1 race weeks, but I’m okay with that, so you should be too.

  • Yes, postpone to next week.
  • No, race as scheduled.

0 voters

Poll will be open for 24 hours so we will know early tomorrow if we’re racing or not so folks can plan accordingly.

@DieGrootHammer @Avatar @Solitude @DarthMol @Camky007 @SlinX @Nosferatie @Talentloos @Pamar @TH3MAESTRO @Konck @Kwaai @czc @oltman


Safety and work first, play second. @Soli: gtf to the doctor, man.
@Konck: I used to be a mechanical design engineer at a small automation firm, and coincidentally visited a factory yesterday afternoon where they’re building all sorts of interesting mining technology. We must remember to chat with the next racing meet!


The last time I went to the doctor for something similar I had to get all kinds of tests done that cost me a fortune and took the whole day only to hear that it’s a virus and it’ll go away by itself. This time i’ll wait a week before going. :slight_smile:


What are you doing now, I remember the place you worked at was constant overtime.


My wife always complains when a patient waits too long to come in, so I lecture people when I get a chance :slight_smile: You’re not bulletproof, take care of yourself!


Luckily I left after a month or so - the OT coupled with the commute was killing my marriage. I’d rather be unemployed and happily married… But then I got a great job in Physical Asset Management (PAM), at one of the PAM leaders in the country, so I’m a Reliability Engineer at a small coal mine now.


I actually had a day trip to the Mercedes-Benz factory in East London yesterday. We are heavily involved in the automotive sector, but we get our fair share of work from other sectors too.


That’s awesome, I’d love to get the chance to see their factory. Coincidentally the company I work for does the maintenance management and reliability of the MB plant!


How about another day next week? I cannot wait another whole week! Or am I just making it more difficult for everybody?

But happy to move it in principal.


There’s already Assetto Costa on Tuesday, and a good few of the F1 guys - like yourself! - are also doing the AC Competizikneaxhdh (bloody Italians !!!) thing on Monday, so Thursday works best. Plenty of rally action as well to keep your wheel busy.