MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

The one or two that did manage to get their Race Highlights video clip created, if you can, please save it and share it with me via Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive/etc. (or your own YT channel of course if you’d prefer)

PM me a link if you do - I really want to see the chaos.

Wont be able to make tonight if the race is taking place tonight. I am a bit behind with my work since i decided to do nothing yesterday.


Or i will update tonight depending on how today in the office goes.

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No race tonight, so you’re all good. We race every second week. Still need to set up a poll to pick the day, but will be soon. Just trying to figure out how best to organize the rerun of the Australia race.

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aah ok. awesome. good to know.


In fact let me do it now so everyone has enough time to vote…

The plan is to rerun Australia, so essentially restart the season. The exact how is still unclear. If I can, I want to nullify the result from last week and add Australia back onto the top of the schedule. If that can’t work then I’ll rebuild the whole season as new and invite you all to that. Either way, Race 1 - Australia will be next week.

Select the evenings that you’ll be available to race next week please:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

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Heck, I’ll join in if I manage to get the game before the next race, since you’re essentially restarting the season.


I am starting to overbook myself… I need to drop F1 or AC. No space for 3 leagues and I am not dropping iRacing :wink:


50% off @ R165 at the moment on Steam Lunar Sale = bargain buy right now!


Kak. AC and F1 races alternate weeks, so if you have time for one you have time for both. Couple of hours once a week ain’t going to do harm to your iRacing dreams! :stuck_out_tongue:


Perfect timing, I guess I’m in :slight_smile:


But F1 ruins any work I have done in iRacing… And I still have this list of other games to complete:

Yes fine, just dont call out my kak again :wink:


I refuse to F1. But I’ll watch someone’s stream :racing_car: :dash:

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So as I understand , next week we start again right?:slight_smile:


Sorry for the lack of comms y’all - been stupid busy with RL stuff lately. Hopefully things will settle down a little from next week.

First off… I have recreated the league season and re-invited everyone to it. As usual, check your in-game mailbox for the invite, or search for the league by name (MEW F1 - 2020 Season) or by Access Code (CM#_6Z8VML). @SlinX - did you ever pick up the game? Did not find you in my list. Let me know when you have and I’ll drop a league invite to you too.

Have kept all the league and race settings exactly the same as before (up there if you need a reminder) and again, if a couple of the old hands could join the league ASAP so that we can have a couple of Admins in place in case anything goes wrong for me on race days, that would be appreciated.

Voting for this week’s race day was at an impasse - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all even at 62%, so I’ve applied for Special Dispensation from the Director of Familial Social Affairs - aka Mrs. Redd - and have been given permission to skip our Thursday evening commitment and go racing instead.

So, officially… the MEW F1 - 2020 Season will kick off (again!) with the Australian Grand Prix this Thursday evening with Practice to start at 8:30PM SAST / 7:30PM CET (or earlier if all are in the lobby). If you can’t make it, please do try to join the League before so that your AI Substitute driver can race for you.

On that point, unlike last year where half points for AI Subs caused major confusion, this season if your AI Substitute driver scores points for you in a race you will receive an inverse grid penalty + 5 positions for the next race. So if your AI wins in Australia you’ll get a 15 place grid penalty for the next race (10 for P1 + 5), if your AI finishes 10th, you’ll get a 6 place grid penalty for the next race (1 for P10 +5).

Thursday, January 30, 2020 6:30 PM ( TZ )Thursday, January 30, 2020 8:30 PM ( TZ )


Nice. I’ll be there this time around if all goes well.


I will be there! Woop!

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Looking forward to it!

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Great :slight_smile: Looking forward to it again :wink: Thank you for all the effort you put into this to happen :slight_smile:

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Oh no… What is this I hear about possible load shedding today???