MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Weirdest race ever… but I had a lot of fun driving in circles and talking kak after my crash - thanks, guys!

I’d be happy to rerun the race, but I think the three that actually finished the race should have the final say.

Edit: Went back and watched Oltman’s stream, I never realised that Hammer full on punted me from behind at the start… I thought my wheelspin caused me to veer left into the grass, meanwhile it was a gentle “get out of the way” nudge! :smiley:


It really all went wrong from the start when the lights went off for some and not for others and chaos ensued. It was pretty much race over for me after the big pile up, took my half a minute just to get going again, and I still had to replace the front wing.

I’d be happy to do a rerun, but do agree that it’s up to the 3 who managed to actually get some points.


I think we need a redo. This was a major balls up.

Where my day started going badly: the auto pits pushed me right into traffic before it handed control back…

And then the start from hell for almost everyone…

And of course the VSC that gave me a drive through…

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Didn’t you win?! :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t really care about a redo, I’ll leave it up to you guys. Thats racing man. You never know how it’s going to go.

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I want a redo! It sucks that I missed out. But I’m ready to go again. I even practiced for the Australia race.

It’s funny that you guys had such issues. Our internet is so bad at the moment it’s not even funny. I hope they fix those cables.

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I dont want to be the douche who preys on other’s misfortune… But OK, lets move on and no redo :wink:


i think if we have again so so so weird race, than we redo… We redo or not , its ok, racing is unpredictalbe… Just hope next time AI is not so sh***y :smiley:

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Jeez. I leave you youngsters to fend for yourselves for one night, and all hell breaks loose!

I am 98.387% certain that the issues were related to the undersea cable breaks and the fact that most SA ISPs were scrambling around at the time to get their international traffic rerouted using less than optimal options. Even though most of us are in SA, all of the F1 multiplayer traffic looks like it needs to go through Codemasters servers in Europe and the UK.

I have no skin in the race, but after watching the entire replay on Champions of Victory and seeing that only one driver scored points (and the two of us who were AI subbed did too!) I do think a re-run of the race should happen. I’m not entirely sure how it can be done though in terms of the League settings at least, so will have to investigate a little more over the weekend.

In the interim, let’s put it to the vote:

  • Yes, let’s rerun the race, if possible
  • No, let’s leave the result as is, and move on

0 voters

The one or two that did manage to get their Race Highlights video clip created, if you can, please save it and share it with me via Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive/etc. (or your own YT channel of course if you’d prefer)

PM me a link if you do - I really want to see the chaos.

Wont be able to make tonight if the race is taking place tonight. I am a bit behind with my work since i decided to do nothing yesterday.


Or i will update tonight depending on how today in the office goes.

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No race tonight, so you’re all good. We race every second week. Still need to set up a poll to pick the day, but will be soon. Just trying to figure out how best to organize the rerun of the Australia race.

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aah ok. awesome. good to know.


In fact let me do it now so everyone has enough time to vote…

The plan is to rerun Australia, so essentially restart the season. The exact how is still unclear. If I can, I want to nullify the result from last week and add Australia back onto the top of the schedule. If that can’t work then I’ll rebuild the whole season as new and invite you all to that. Either way, Race 1 - Australia will be next week.

Select the evenings that you’ll be available to race next week please:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

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Heck, I’ll join in if I manage to get the game before the next race, since you’re essentially restarting the season.


I am starting to overbook myself… I need to drop F1 or AC. No space for 3 leagues and I am not dropping iRacing :wink:


50% off @ R165 at the moment on Steam Lunar Sale = bargain buy right now!


Kak. AC and F1 races alternate weeks, so if you have time for one you have time for both. Couple of hours once a week ain’t going to do harm to your iRacing dreams! :stuck_out_tongue:


Perfect timing, I guess I’m in :slight_smile: