MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Okay, it’s been confirmed. Load shedding starts at 9 which affects @DarthMol and me. And I think @Talentloos too.

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jip. off from 9pm. goddamn

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Off from 10pm for me…

Master @GregRedd sir, what shall we do?


Urgh for me I’m off until 20:30, so in theory I can join, but it can always be late, and I have to wait for my internet to come back to life. Urgh this sucks!!


I feel so ashamed. What must @Camky007 think of us. Sorry @Camky007. I promise things went much smoother last year.


Haha! Don’t be embarrassed. ESKOM should feel bad… They don’t, but they should…


Arrrrgghhhhh!!! Eskom are a bunch of useless female parent fornicators!

So with 3 definite no goes (@solitude, @DarthMol @Talentloos), 1 probably not able to start on time if at all (@DieGrootHammer) , and 3 more probably off mid-race (@Avatar, @oltman, @GregRedd) we will not have a majority of racers on the grid and will need to reschedule the rescheduled race :frowning:

Honestly don’t know what to do about this nonsense. Or when to reschedule it to. What I do think though is that we can’t keep rescheduling things - we’ll never get through the season with all of the ongoing, unexpected and random internet and electricity issues we have.

What I’d like to propose is that we give it one last try to get as many in for the first race as possible within the next week or so. I’ll then give everyone else Admin privileges to the league so that regardless of who actually does make future races there’ll always be someone who can start the sessions and run the race. We’ll still do the weekly vote for the next weeks’ race day, but once that’s been decided, we run the race on that day - even if it is just @Camky007 and @Slinx racing against seven AI substitute drivers.


For the Aussie race, I’m happy to reschedule for next week even though it’s an off week for F1, so long as it’s not on Assetto Corsa race night (Tuesday I think, right @Slinx?) I’ll even open the options for tomorrow and the weekend evenings, but whichever day gets the most votes is the day the race gets run (unless everyone disagrees and thinks my solutions suck - in which case :fu:!)

Please vote below for the evenings over the next week+ that you (Gods, Eskom and Internet willing) are happy to hopefully get Round 1 - Australia done and dusted eventually!

  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Next Friday
  • Next Saturday
  • Next Sunday

0 voters


AC is Tuesday, correct. Loadshedding please go away before then! :crossed_fingers:
I agree with keeping things moving, but at the same time, racing against AI is no fun. The show must go on!


No worries guys, its shame this leadshedding give us big headache but im patient and ok, we start again and we will see. If we weill still have issues, we can just do random days races, and we can make an excell sheet where we add the points, otherwise we never finish any races… Thoughts?


Plot twist!

Apparently City Power has enough extra power to compensate for load shedding so our power is still on!


Yeah, I wish I knew that earlier.

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But I’m guessing the non-Joburg okes are still experiencing load shedding

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So are we racing tonight? I’ve got to say, I’m knackered, so I won’t mind waiting for next week…

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What an idiot I am!!!

I posted in the wrong thread… :man_facepalming:t2:


I found it and voted, though :smiley:


I logged on but no invitation for the new league… @GregRedd. All I have is a league v2 with Bahrain the next race having done race 1. And the old expired one.

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Odd. I wonder if the invites expire? No worries. I have just sent new invites to everyone on my list. Hopefully they’re in your Game Mailbox when you log in. I know I must have sent them because @Camky007 is registered - thanks Camky! @SlinX - still don’t see you name in my Friends who Play F1 list? You should be able to join using the invite code.

The new season is name MEW F1 - 2020 Season. The league Access Code if you still don’t have an invite is CM#_6Z8VML (think you just need the bit after the CM#_.)

cc. @Oltman @Avatar @DarthMol @Solitude @Talentloos @DieGrootHammer @Nosferatie

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I’ve accepted the invite. Thanks.

Now I’m just hoping our power stays on. We don’t have load shedding but with this rain storm the area’s power keeps going off for a few seconds and coming back on again. My UPS keeps things up and running, but will only manage for a short while. And my wheel will lose power… might need to see if I can add that onto the multiplug connected to the UPS. It could make for an interesting experiece mid-race!


Well, I have backup power as well, but power has been off from 8am. Some cable fault somewhere. This will test my batteries to the full. At the moment all lights are off and I forbade my wife from watching TV :joy:

I did get the invitation and accepted. It said the invitation will expire in 6 days, so there is an expiration time.


could you send the invite again? i didnt get…