MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Use the code Greg posted above :wink:

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You don’t need it - you’re in the League already from last week! Just make sure you choose the MEW F1 - 2020 Season one - it should show Australia as the next race.

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@Camky007 rejoin the league event and we will start qualifying

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Sorry guys. its been a week from hell.

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I just have no internet and I hate it. I hate this country and I hate Vodascum and I hate Eskom.

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Not to worry guys… we had a couple of connection issues again last night. And even though we eventually managed to get the race run, we lost @Camky007 along the way.

And then at the end of the race, after watching the podium thing and seeing the results screen, the system wouldn’t connect anyone to the server and we all had to Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out.

Turns out that the race result hasn’t been uploaded at all and the League now shows “Australia - Race” as the next session. :man_shrugging:t2:

And that’s despite at least myself and @oltman both having Race Highlights videos available.

I’m hugely frustrated by it all still, so haven’t really had a think about what we’re going to do, but I will once I get a break and have calmed down a bit. But it may still turn out that you didn’t lose out on anything by not being there last night :grinning:


After having won twice I am not about to redo the race again :joy:

Once the race was under way it all went pretty smooth, apart from 2 Safety cars taking up about half of the race. Avatar nearly unlapped himself at the end and nearly forced me into making some mistakes! Sneaky, that one!

I think It was me, @GregRedd and @SlinX in the points? I cant remember…


I’m just miffed that the reason I was lapped in the first place was the an AI pulled a Grosjean and reversed into me, breaking my front wing. I got it repaired, caught up in a safety car, overtook about 4 AI’s and @GregRedd in one lap, and then got punted into a wall by an AI that did not like being overtaken. :frowning:

Advantage is that we’ll all be really good at AUS soon… :smiley:


Sounds about right, I finished 9th and I have no one but myself to blame for my one crash :grimacing:


It’s a frustrating ball ache at this stage. And I’m still not sure how we should proceed. There’s definitely issues with the connection to the CM servers, and I assume that because we had to force quit last night, the race results were not transmitted to the servers. Although why it doesn’t pick up that we completed the race from the results screen I don’t know. So as far as the CM servers are concerned, we haven’t run the Australia Race Event.

Had a look earlier and I was getting the “not connecting” flashing white signal strength indicator continuously - left it trying for over 10 minutes without change:

Speedtest to the UK (to Slough because it sounds like “slow”!) shows my up and down speeds are solid, but that ping number is pointless:

Have tried to change the track list order to force Bahrain to the top, which it allows me to do, but also gives me the message that “Your changes will be applied after the currently running event is completed” :expressionless:

Same thing with any other changes I try - tried to change the race length to the minimum possible (5 laps) so that we could get it done as quickly as possible if we have to, but no dice. Get the same message.

(I’ve made so many changes that “will be applied after the current event” that whatever happens once we eventually clear the Aus Race will be a surprise for everyone, myself included, I’m sure!)

Have also made a post over on the official CM Support Forum asking if there’s anyway that I can force a result through or somehow manually skip the event, but I’m pretty sure I know the answer will be a hearty “nope!”

I even tried starting the race with just myself and everyone else AI, but the “Start Event” button won’t let me - am guessing that it probably needs at least 2 human drivers to start? Anyone want to volunteer?

So, where to from here chaps?

  • Leave things as they are and just try run the forsaken Aussie race again? And decide if we want to do the Bahrain race immediately afterward, or push it?
  • Recreate the League (again!) and start from Bahrain, skipping Australia entirely?
  • Start the Aussie race with whoever can tonight or over the weekend maybe and let whatever result happens then, happen? (If we do this and an AI driver scores points, I won’t apply grid penalties for Bahrain.)
  • And whatever we decide to do, is it worth doing it and running the risk of again having the results not be captured and still getting stuck with having to go back to Australia again again again?
  • Do we put the whole thing on hold until we know all the stupid cable breaks are fixed and everyone has a decent connection again?
  • Insert any other suggested solutions here…

I’ve had bad luck in Australia both races, so I’m not too upset that the race didn’t record :laughing:

But it is hugely frustrating. The good news is that the cable breaks look like they will be repaired sooner than expected (I saw the link you posted @GregRedd) so maybe we can get back to some form of normality.

Recreate the League (again!) and start from Bahrain, skipping Australia entirely?

I’d vote for this option. As much as I love Australia (haha) I’m keen to get going on the other tracks.

Edit: Also was just thinking that the last race didn’t have AI drivers for @DieGrootHammer or @Solitude. It would be nice to at least have everyone accounted for whether present or as an AI

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Guys! Look! we’re not the only ones with server problems from hell :sweat_smile:
Gave me a good chuckle.

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I would vote for league re creation, so we start totaly from scratch, we can skipp AUS but also Azerbarjan, i hate it :smiley:


Yeah, think that’s what we’re going to do. Will set it up later tonight - check back later tonight or tomorrow morning for the details.

We’ll definitely be skipping Australia (maybe add it at the end of the season for a laugh?) and will start with Bahrain this week. (And yeah, sorry @Camky007, but we’ll have to keep Baku :stuck_out_tongue:).

I think we should aim for Thursday evening again, unless there’s any major objections? Hopefully the Stage 1 load shedding will hold until then, and the undersea cable breaks will be mostly resolved.

Okay, so nevermind creating a whole new League - we’re going back to the previous version - MEW F1 v2

It has Australia listed as completed. I have adjusted @Oltman and my AI driver out of the points from when the race from hell was run - we’re going to consider that event and last weeks’ running as our Pre-Season Test Sessions.

All of the drivers are already League members except @SlinX who I have just invited to join (League invite in your in-game mail, or Access Code CM#_X9VDG) SlinkX, please try accept the invite before we open the lobby on race day so that we can avoid missing you out of the practice session again, and have you listed as a league member beforehand so that if you miss the start your AI Sub will drive for you.

Everyone else should be able to just select the MEW F1 v2 League in your list. If I get a chance, I’m going to kick everyone from the other MEW league and close it, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too confusing. If you want to avoid a kick on your record, feel free to Retire from the MEW F1 - 2020 Season league - we won’t be using that one again. (But double check that you are Retiring from that one, and not from MEW F1 v2!)

This is the one we’ll be using from now on:

Again, I’m thinking Thursdays have seemed to work the best for most people so far, but for fairness, vote your availability this week for the F1 Bahrain Grand Prix please:

  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

The Poll will close at 8PM tomorrow just in case Tuesday gets the most votes…


How many times do I have to win a race to get the points???



Did you not vote for your race days in protest? Shamepies ne.

Still time for @Avatar , @Nosferatie and @Talentloos to swing the vote in their favour.


I tried joining the league last night, the code didn’t work and I couldn’t find any MEW server via the search. Can you maybe throw me an invite again please?


Damn straight!

Ok, voted now. My wife and I refuse to give in on Valentine’s day, so we always go for a date on 13 Feb (Thursday).

I won’t protest a Thursday race… As long as i get my points from Aus! :joy:


That was my bad, sorry. Left the 8 off the code in my post :man_facepalming: It should be X9VDG8 .

That said though, you should have received the League Invite in your In-Game Mailbox, because I only sent that yesterday, so that’s a bit weird. Just tried to re-invite you and get a message that I can’t becuase you are already invited?

Maybe there’s a delay between me sending the invite and you receiving it? Check again in your in-game mail tonight if you can, otherwise use the right access code this time okay? :smiley:

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