MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

You know I would if I could, but that “Race” was so long ago now it has been closed for editing. I can’t change it even if I wanted to.

And I actually do want to… when I made those position changes to see if I could nullify the result, I also gave myself a 5 place grid penalty to see how that system works for when we need it if AI Sub drivers score points. And I can’t remove it! So now you don’t get points for Australia, but I do get a grid penalty for Bahrain. :rofl:

And so the wheel turns…


And so we’re back to a coin toss between Wednesday and Thursday again… If the last two still to vote don’t decide it for us, I’ll do a virtual coin toss this evening and let you know.

This tread always makes my day :smiley:


Since I need some practice. How about we make a friendly race on Wednesday for those who would like to practice a bit. And then Thursday the official race.

Unfortunately I still have internet problems:

But will try and hope for the best.


I like this idea. A lot. A once-off private multiplayer Bahrain race on Wednesday for those who can make it and want a bit more race practice, and our official F1 League Race on Thursday.

Let’s give the guys chance until the poll closes tonight to make a vote - maybe they both go for Wednesday - and if it is still split evenly then, we’ll do this.


I also like the idea of one off race tonight. Let me know time or invite if needed


Seems like you’re getting no joy out of Vodascum there. If your whole complex is signed up to exclusively use Vodacom then all your neighbours must be having the same issues. You should get everyone to band together and flood Vodacom with support tickets and bad reviews! Frustrating that you’re locked in to using them, I wonder how long the contract is for?


Right, so the vote is closed, and surprise, surprise… it’s another draw between Wednesday and Thursday. So we’ll do as @Solitude suggested - an meet-up tomorrow evening for a “non-championship event” for those that can and want to get some laps in. And then the official Bahrain GP Race on Thursday evening.

We’ll coordinate on Discord and/or Steam Chat and use Steam invites I think. If you can, please let me know if we can expect you tomorrow evening so that we know to wait for you or not. And let me know if you want the full race weekend - Practice, Quali and Race - or just a quick One-Shot Quali and a Race. If it’s an option, I will enable Saves Between Sessions so that if there is a late arrival or two they could maybe join then.

Target Start time is 8:30PM, but if everyone who says they’ll be there is there earlier, we go.

Soli - if for whatever reason I’m not online by 8PM-ish, would you mind getting the ball rolling tomorrow evening?


At this point in time it looks like the changes are good for a little practice tonight. Will see how the day progresses. Sorry i didnt get any time to check the poll.


No worries. Hopefully you’re able to race tomorrow evening. And if you can make it for tonight too, double bonus!

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Yeah i should be good for tomorrow night. Unless we go to stage 4 loadshedding.


Don’t jinx us!! Hopefully today’s load shedding suspension holds.

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Sure @GregRedd, I can look after things if you aren’t there. I hope you are there because I’ve never done it before. :smiley:

My biggest worry is my internet and if it will connect. Will see how things go tonight.


For test race today , do I go into our league? or how?

I have no idea to be honest. I think one of us will start a friendly race and then invite everyone else. So possibly not league related.

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ah ok, lets see than :slight_smile:

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Pretty much as Solitude says - I will around 7:45 PM - 8:00 PM (hopefully, if not Soli will) create an Unranked, Friends Only race (Soli, it’s done from the Multiplayer Section, on the right “Unranked”, then at the bottom “Create Unranked”).

Once it’s up, I’ll post In-Game invites to everyone on my Friends list which should (I think) go to your in-game mail. Alternatively, you should be able to got to Unranked in your Multiplayer section and my race should appear in the server list as you’re all friends with me. The only potential problem is that once I start setting the Race up, I can’t leave the Lobby as this causes the server to close as well, so I honestly never seen the Unranked Server list with my name/race on it - I’m guessing it does though. I can see all the Open lobbies and assume I would also be able to see any Friends Only lobbies in the same place.

Failing that, make sure you have your Steam Chat service on so that I can invite you via Steam (but I’m not 100% sure that’ll work for tonights’ race?) I’ll also be on Discord so we can try work out any problems from there - or if you’re still not able to use Discord, use Steam Chat.

When I looked at the setup earlier, I could not see an option to “Save between sessions” like in the League races, so I assume that if you don’t make the start of the first session you will be a spectator. Not sure if it’ll then let you join the next session. Will wait as long as we can for anyone wanting to join to get there - but if you’re going to be later than 8:30 PM please let us know. If I don’t hear from anyone, we start the first session at 8:30 sharp.

To save a little time, I’ll set things up with No Practice, Short Qualifying, and 25% Race, unless there’s any major objections.


You are amazing at explaining things and organising things. You truly have a gift for these kind of things. I wish you were president.


Guys. It’s quarter to 7 and my internet is not only still working but it’s better than ever. I don’t want to jinx it. Let’s see what it’s like in half an hour. Normally by 7:15pm it’s unusable.

Just a warning to everyone. There’s a half a gig update.

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