MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

We are online if any of you want to join.

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Thanks guys! Was good to get a few laps in and be able to remember that I drive even worse than normal with a controller :joy: And to rub salt into the wound @Talentloos goes and wins comfortably using a PS controller.

Sorry we lost connection to @Camky007 between the end of Quali and the Race start. These connection issues are hell of a frustrating. Hopefully things go a lot more smoothly tomorrow.

See y’all then!

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It’s the poor workman that blames his tools Greggy.

Excited for tonight. Hope @Solitude still has his proper connection and that @DieGrootHammer has his shit sorted.

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Thanks guys, it was fun racing again! I also hope that the internet keeps on working. For all of us.

Interestingly I had the same problem last night that I had when I first got the game. Where I can turn my wheel all the way but the car just doesn’t want to turn. Will have to try and sort that out before we race.

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What happened to the wheel?

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What’s your rotation set at?

I’ve got mine set at 360 degrees (like the F1 cars have) but I’ve found that I can turn the wheel past that if I’m not careful, as in it doesn’t stop rotation but rather gives a mild resistance. So I land up turning and turning to no effect. Outside of the game the wheel gives a much stronger resistance when hitting the 360 degree limit.

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I think mine is set to 180 degrees. Must have a look.

I did some reading and it may be that I’m turning the wheel too much which causes understeer. I will do some testing tonight before the race.

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I found I encountered huge understeer when I played F1 after not playing for a long while. I thought it was settings etc. then I started slowing down more and found I could make the corners a lot better. Turns out I just needed to remember how to drive an F1 car again!


Disconnected it over the weekend to sort out the cables, and then never actually got around to doing that :roll_eyes: Will hopefully get a chance to set it back up before we race tonight. Hopefully.


Haha I think that’s my problem too.


Ah ok, I was just worried their was an issue.

Now I know it’s just pure laziness :grin:

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Yeah, that and because I will have to crawl around under the desk and squeeze behind it to get the cables where I want them to go. And because I’m old and decrepit and my joints ache. But yeah, mostly just pure laziness :joy:


I remember seeing a graph once that went something like this:


This is 100% accurate!!


For us all!


Sorry I missed it, will be online at 8:30 tonight.


Sorry guys I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’m not home tonight but you should all have a good race.

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No worries Hammer. We’ll miss you and @oltman, but at least we might get a couple of different drivers on the podium tonight :smiley:.

Thanks for letting us know. Hope you both have a “lucky” date nights! :smirk:

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The rest of you, be warned… my wheel is back up and running, and I’ve just set a 1:30.9 on only my second TT lap.

Don’t @ me!


I won’t be able to make it either. I double booked my self, I thought my thing was tomorrow night :frowning:
I even stayed up til past 2 hot lapping Melbourne in preparation (1:22.1 btw)