MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Lol. Then it’s probably for the best that you’re not on tonight, cos we racing in Bahrain!! :rofl:

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I know I know, I was just trying to remember how to drive an F1 car. I think I remember now.


ill be late 5 minutes

Stream is LIVE! Keep it clean boys and girls!


We have a race result in the bag!! Eventually. Thanks to all for pitching up and doing the race - I think 7 of us was the most RL drivers we’ve had in a race so far. And with the other 2 or 3 we could have even more fun racing next time.

Need some thoughts on how we’re going to handle points scored by AI Substitute drivers. My original idea to issue grid penalties for the next race doesn’t seem to work - the one I gave myself was never applied. My ideas at the moment:

  1. I track it all manually like last season and go back to the half points for AI Sub drivers.
  2. I apply an “AI Sub Penalty” at the end of the race, and down 5/6/7 places down in the results.
  3. We completely ignore all the AI drivers and I reposition just the real drivers, in their finishing order, to fill the points places, and then position the AI sub drivers below them, also in their finishing order. The only exception to this would be for DSQ or DNF results as these cannot be moved in the results.
  • I’m least keen on #1 because time and Excel, and because the in-game Standings quickly become meaningless.
  • I like #2 because it can be done immediately after a race there and then and it keeps the Standings correct.
  • I like #3 the most because it can also be done immediately after a race, it ensures that all of us get points every race (at least until we get another driver or two to join us. Then most of us will score points every race.)

Any other suggestions at all? I’ll give you until tomorrow night to pitch a solution, and then we’ll put all the ideas up for a vote.

Thanks again guys - next stop is China in 2 weeks time (the week of 24-28 February). Unless a virtual version of the corona virus strikes.


I vote for no 3 - those AI drivers do not deserve points! Jislaaik they are really bad!

Also @oltman you guys really don’t want me on discord - I was shouting at you to turn in earlier so many times! You missed the apex :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the race last night guys. I look forward to the next one. Will see if I can upload highlights tonight. Had an eventful race.

Now that my internet is working I want to see if I can also maybe stream it next time around. Have never tried that.


see , we could both get some points if you dont kick my ass :smiley: :smiley: , anyway the race was fun :wink:


Haha I wonder if the latency caused a problem. From my side I was driving in a straight line and you just came from the side and pushed me off the road. I don’t know what you saw on your side. Unfortunately with the latency difference you were appearing and disappearing all over.

My apologies if I got frustrated hehe.


I vote number 2, seems most balanced between fairness and difficulty to execute.

I had a great time, thanks, everyone. I find the talking kak in between is most of the fun, so @Wyvern really should join us - I don’t think any of us would mind your shouting at the tv! (Those that do can mute you in discord, anyway.)


Problem is I only get to see it from Oltmans vantage point. I need to find a way to watch more

So I can be your Murray Walker!


That would be awesome. If you buy the game you can spectate the race properly…
nudge nudge
wink wink

So you want me to buy the game to be Murray Walker?

I shall consider that



And then we’ll convince you to join us on track :smiley:

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Ok you know how bad the AI is?

I am worse

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So you already have opponents in your class. :stuck_out_tongue:


I thought you own the game?

Not 2019 nope - most of the others yes but I am really bad at them

Annotation 2020-02-14 102414
It has begun chaps. Keep the pressure up, she’ll give in eventually!

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So yeah, I went ahead this morning and applied my Option 3. I know I said I’d wait until later tonight to allow everyone to add their thoughts, but I dawned on me that there must be some sort of cut-off time after which race results can’t be changed and they get locked for editing. (Which is why I couldn’t remove my grid penalty from the original Australia race - not that it mattered last night.)

So to be safe, I’ve adjusted the results already in case the race does get locked before we make a decision. If the consensus turns out to be Option 1 or Option 2 (or something else that is suggested), and I can still edit it then, I’ll go back and make those changes. Else we go with what we decide from the next race.

So, here is the adjusted result from last night’s Bahrain race:

And the League Standings:

(I’m guessing that @SlinX won’t have any points scored on the Standings until he actually competes in a League race. At the moment the game has only seen him as an AI in our league and points scored by AI don’t count towards the League Standings.)

So there you go - @Oltman eventually gets his 25 points for winning a race (and hopefully will stop whining about it now! :stuck_out_tongue: ) @Avatar and @DarthMol get their rightfully earned podium finish points. @Talentloos climbs to P4 as the best of the rest. @Camky007 and @Solitude get into the points after their really weird (probably lag) and harsh coming together near the end of the race (and Soli scores his very well deserved Fastest Lap bonus point). And I slot in just ahead of @DieGrootHammer, @Nosferatie and @SlinX who all still get (race) points from their AI Sub drivers, and don’t lose out entirely just because they had more important commitments last night.

The floor remains open for other suggestions and thoughts.