MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Oh, and on a separate but related note:

@Camky007, @DarthMol, @oltman and @Solitude next time you’re in the game, please try a retire/resign whatever it’s called from the MEW F1 - 2020 Season League. I really want to get rid of it, and can’t kick you because “there is an event currently running” :roll_eyes:

Not urgent, not a crises. Just when you can. And make double sure you’re retiring from this league and not the MEW F1 v2 league!!


i should have been on the podium at least. Stupid bloody second to last corner.


I am really just happy there were no issues this time and the fuck ups that happened where mostly our own faults.


Tell me about it! I had a mini panic attack and a mild heart attack at the same time when my game crashed to desktop from the race results screen! So glad that the race actually registered at the end.


you are right i guess, becasue i didnt see you at all, just felt something bumped into me :smiley:
even before that , 1 car was on my left, and suddenly in front, within miliseconds, was so close to total crash


Thanks for the effort, @GregRedd.


now everything looks much better :slight_smile: @Solitude we also got points :smiley:
Let do some race sooner again , starting to enjoy after initial glitches :slight_smile:


I’m glad that everything worked last night. Looking forward to the next race. :smile:


I am happy with the points, so no more complaints from me… for now… :wink:

I really enjoyed the race, thanks guys! And gals for the support!


My AI did a 1:37. Absolutely abysmal. I’ll try my best not to miss the next one!


I got China :cn: on my mind! With (probably) no RL race in China this year, next week will be the only chance we get to experience the Shanghai International Circuit :grinning:

Drop a vote for your available race evenings for next week please:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters


You guys are frikken killing me here!


@Nosferatie please, for the love of all that is wholesome, sane and rational in your world, come make a deciding vote for us, and come back and race with us again. We won’t mind if you want to use a controller. And we’re only racing for 2 hours every second week, so no huge time commitment needed.

If we don’t hear from Nos by the end of today (insert sad face) I’ll do the coin flip thing. :expressionless:

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I bet @Nosferatie will vote for both days :joy:

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Ha, ye of little faith! @Nosferatie you legend! It’s decided - we race at China on Thursday.


I voted Wednesday because I had something on the Thursday, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it is. Probably not important then… :man_shrugging:

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Glory glory @Nosferatie!

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I am wondering if I should not retire from the league. I won’t be able to drive either Wednesday or Thursday this week, and my gaming time is extremely limited these days. At the moment I want to complete a single player season before the new game arrives, so want to focus on that now. Sorry guys.


insert sad face

Understandable @DieGrootHammer, real lives have to be top priority for us all.

I wouldn’t bother retiring from the league though. Like @Nosferatie, hopefully you too will be able to join in for the odd race or two that do work with your schedule - we still have 18 to go after all. :grinning:

Besides, while I’m not sure of the specifics, but I think there might be some sort of minimum attendance thing that may eventually get triggered and remove you from the league automatically.




Oh, you’re playing from Australia!