MEW Giveaways

yep - dunno why it was acting up so just went the easy route

How do I enter?

Lol, never mind. What is the new groupā€™s url please?

We donā€™t have one yet I think. @SIGSTART do you want to do the honours?

Have a MEW Steam Group and a special MEW group for users in level 3 on the forum as discussed here:

I have time, so i will start the new mew group on steam :smiley:


There ya go - I am busy adding people and will do so for the next couple of hours

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Thanks, Wyvz. Please add us as mods and stuff so we can help administer the group.

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must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*

No way Iā€™ll ever get level 3 :crying_cat_face:


You sir still havent accepted the invite . . . .

I did!

(Only last night, but I totally did!)

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Should i do a giveaway with mew or mygaming? im conflicted

Hey Donsie with MEW please :smiley:
We have investigated and most of the mygaming guys have been inactive - the ones in the mew group are active.

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Dankie Donsie! I can tell everyone if you dont have the game yet enter! its loads of fun!

i added another as well :grinning:

I have both dammit! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck to all!

Also go click on the Dynamic signature - then copy the link they give and it will show up as fancy as the boys.


Cool games!

Awesome Suace

Can someone please explain to me how I can do a giveaway? I have a few steam games I want to gift

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  1. Make sure you are part of the MEW group on Steam.
  2. Be registered with Steamgifts
  3. Create a gift to give away on Steamgifts, selecting that you want to give away to the MEW group.
  4. Paste the key into the key part when creating the giveaway.
  5. Profit.