MEW video stream meetup

Sorry for the wait everyone. Fixed the YouTube problem (hopefully!). Live on all three platforms now.

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After much troubleshooting last night, I ran into unsolvable issues with Restream. My bitrate just died during the stream and it caused major buffering and stuttering on the video.

Switching to a local Twitch ingest server ( seemed to fix the issue.

I’m tempted to try Mixer again tonight, but at least with Twitch I can bounce the stream up and down until I get transcode active for everyone. That’s not possible on Mixer 'til I’m famous.

So, for now, I think I’ll stick to Twitch. If Twitch continues to give problems even while using the local ingest server and with transcode enabled, I’ll look at switching to Mixer or YouTube

Next stream: 2020-05-18T18:00:00Z2020-05-18T19:00:00Z

I’ve downloaded Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Rebel Galaxy, so I thought we’d give some of the potential games for GameClub 13 a look.


Other than the technical difficulties, which platform would you choose and why?


If I can’t have all three, and disregarding technical considerations, I’d prefer to use Twitch because I think that’s where most of the viewers seem to go when they are looking for something to watch.


The stream is live and transcode is(finally!) working :partying_face:


A little late to this topic. @SIGSTART if i could ask, how have you setup everything? I’ve recently fiddled with this, and setup recording various configurations, but they all seem to have their downsides. Are you using one PC to stream and encode on? Or maybe gaming pc + streaming pc? Which niche hardware are you using, like cameras or specialised capture gadgets?


I’m sure Sigstart will be along to to answer you soon enough, but in the interim, be sure to check through the MEW Streamers thread - couple of interesting setup, settings and technical posts in there. And add your channel links and details to the list (and maybe @Sigstart can add his specs and links in there too?)


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: MEW Streamers (Twitch, Youtube, Mixer)

Even though I was streaming yet another new game last night, it went much better technically by streaming exclusively to Twitch than trying to use Restream.

Thanks to @Entity for all his advice on-stream. There is no substitute for experience and it’s fun to get back into regular streaming since my Let’s Talk Geek days. Thank you to both @Deadlypinecone and @Entity for hanging out last night and helping to test stuff.

I’m going to keep streaming ever weeknight for as long as I am able, and at least once on weekends. Please drop by whenever you want to hang out.

Next stream: 2020-05-19T18:00:00Z2020-05-19T19:00:00Z

Tonight I’ll start a new Rebel Galaxy playthrough to give y’all a taste of what it’s like for the GameClub 13 vote.


The stream is live and transcode appears to be working. I’ve queued up some South African music to listen to while the stream stabilises :smile:


There were a fair couple of lurkers in the stream too…



Next stream: 2020-05-20T18:00:00Z2020-05-20T19:00:00Z

Tonight I’ll be checking out The Surge 2 to see what it’s like for the GameClub 13 vote.

Oh, cool! Some of those handles are still lurking in the chat on the channel. Curious…


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I’ll definitely stop by to see how The Surge is treating you, hopefully I don’t have issues with the stream but we’ll see.

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Tonight’s The Surge 2 stream is live! I’ve queued up some South African music for y’all to listen to while the stream stabilises :smile:

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I had issues with Twitch again and then @Beo mentioned something about ISP so I turned on my VPN. Boom!

Now it seems to work perfectly, so far at least.


what VPN software you using?

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Nord VPN

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Tonight’s The Long Dark stream is live! I’ve queued up some South African music for y’all to listen to while the stream stabilises :smile:

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In honour of The Long Dark…

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Hey, y’all. Thank you very much to everyone who watched me freeze to death in The Long Dark last night.

I think @murfle, @GregRedd, @1nF4m0u5, @z1oc, @Wlad, and @Wyvern stopped by the stream either yesterday or the night before. Thank you for hanging out and helping me test stuff. I hope I haven’t missed anyone! If I didn’t mention you and you stopped by in the past two evenings, call me out for being a forgetful swine!

As for tonight’s stream, I want to finish Hellblade before the deadline. I had a brief connection problem a minute ago, but hopefully it was a temporary issue with the Hyperlayer ingest server.