So I was playing an expedition in December (the one that ran until like… Dec 31st or something like that) where the player base had bad apples who caused gravitational anomalies that griefed or outright killed players.
I got killed, and then immediately a glitch caused me to die again, so I lost everything. I had taken over full stacks of valuable material from my main save, and I lost all of my inventory. I also lost freighter upgrades and ship upgrades and such.
I was so upset, then I spent about 6 hours grinding to replace the most critical materials and trying to finish the expedition. It was a really hard one, like seriously hard.
I was then under time crunch at work and had to stop for a few days, and planned to pick it up again on new Year’s day when I had time off again. Yup you guessed it. The expedition ended, and I LOST EVERYTHING again.
I stripped my moer, fam. Like seriously. I didn’t play for over a month. This is my favourite game and I didn’t want to do it. But with the Worlds 2 update I decided to bite the bullet (actually I had no more bullets) and get back in. I have been grinding away. I joined the Cursed expedition (which I’ve played before) basically just to access player bases and get free mats from their gracious public mining and growing facilities. I appreciate these players who help others.
Anyway, after grinding away and racking up some stuff and also finishing part of the expedition, I went to deposit stuff into the terminal on the Anomaly so that I don’t lose it again if the expedition suddenly ends on me.
Yup, you guessed it. You can’t put stuff into the transfer terminal until YOU FINISH THE EXPEDITION sigh. So now I’m grinding my way through the entire expedition just so I don’t lose all these mats and upgrades I’ve been working hard to regain.
It’s a great game, but I am so frustrated and tired at the moment.
That all being said, if they released something that cost money to get, I would absolutely throw money at them, whether I wanted said thing or not, just because of how much they’ve done for the player base over the years without selling out! Hello Games literally has a fan base that wants to give them money and they just won’t take it.
Murfle, I can gift it to you if you want it! I’m on Steam, and I think Sigstart has a PlayStation account if you want it there instead. Send me a DM! I’ll hook you up.
I’m a literal Astrophysicist and this is the one game where I will make exceptions for some of the physics. But also, the planets do rotate. There are some who rotate so fast you have a whole day night cycle twice a minute. The sky is spinning like crazy. But for ease of gameplay, the planets are too close together and from space the orientation is somewhat fixed so you don’t spend time chasing waypoints around the planet as you fly.
The graphic fidelity on Xbox is pretty low, and the images are quite soft or blurry. Does anyone have any idea what those icons on the bottom left are?
I haven’t played much since the original release (2016) time, so really have no idea about many of the updates and DLC content.
Those are the portal coordinates for the location where the image was taken. So if you find a portal and have all the glyphs unlocked, you can enter those glyphs in that order to activate the portal and go to that planet/system.
When the next expedition comes around, you should do it with us. We can show you all the new cool features and hints.
NMS can be fun in multiplayer. Especially when there are expeditions, it sometimes helps to do it together. Playing with others can teach you new things and also the player base is generally super nice and will give you stuff that will help you. But if you have multiplayer on, make sure to turn off PVP (I think it is on by default). Even then, there are a small handful of other players who try to figure out ways to kill players in indirect means, to circumvent PVP. But mostly they are awesome. And this multiplayer isn’t splitscreen. You each will have to play on your own device.
What are expeditions, in a nutshell? Alternatively, is there a resource you could point me to?
Loving the game on Steam by the way Looks great and plays better than I expected, and REALLY accessible. One of the few games I find that you can confidently play without a need for an external keybaord and mouse, and supports the trackpad quite well.
So an expedition is basically a separate story mission that you can choose to play. You can either start a new game, or you can go to a terminal in the Anomaly where you can initiate an expedition and you can take stuff (like materials and tech) over from your main game.
An expedition usually consists of five phases with about 6-8 objectives in each phase. The nice thing about expeditions is that they are a great way to bootstrap a new game, because they give you lots of upgrades and tech in short time. An expedition can expand your inventory, ship storage, multitool slots, freighter slots etc quite rapidly because they give you a lot of stuff as rewards for objectives and phases. But if you launch the expedition from the terminal in the anomaly, you can choose to save those expansions, and then you can take them back to your main game.
Expeditions are limited time events. A new expedition is usually available for about 6 weeks. It will likely come around again at the end of the year when they redux all the expeditions for 2 weeks at a time so you can play them again if you missed them or didn’t finish them.
Expeditions are also tutorials for new content. In this case, they’ve added a bunch of new stuff to the main game, and the expedition is like a mini tutorial mission for the expansion content. Again, they give you a lot of stuff to help you through the expedition. I have stuff in expeditions that I haven’t been able to farm up in my main game (from pre-terminal days before you could transfer things over). One expedition was all about freighters, and I was able to build an epic freighter base and fleet. But I don’t have that in my main game, unfortunately.
I got it running and did a few minutes of the tutorial. Decided I’ve got to start streaming on the regular again so I’ve put it off and will do it all live. I just got back from 10 days traveling with my parents so I didn’t have a chance. Will probably start tomorrow on Twitch
And thanks for the offer, @Ani, but I did already pick it up
Curses! I can’t find a way to pick up or move my base computer (or is it called a Terminal?). The tutorial has you building and placing a computer before establishing a base construction.
Many technologies allow me to pick up, and shows me the appropriate button on hover, but the computer doesn’t seem to or am I missing something?