No Man's Sky — Every Atom Procedural

Irritated with the whole power thing. All my bases now need power, cabling etc. It is a monumental amount of work to get them all powered ;-(. Feels like a job


It happened to me as well, seems if you use the teleporter at the anomaly it also happens, had load a manual save from an hour before to get my base back, also now every time before i go to the anomaly i save.

Beyond update is buggy like all hell so just be carefull everyone, friend of mine also crashes when he summons his freighter, some star stations bug out when trying to talk to the npc’s also falling through the anomaly and stations happens constantly, they are updating as they can trying to fix stuff but i believe it is gonna take a while before it is stable again.

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Do you use large buildings? Because all you need yo do is hook up you power generator of choice (i use solar panels, they work indoors XD ) to the building power point that sits on the outside and then hook up some batteries for power storage, don’t think i can explain it well, so will take some screenshots of my setup, i currently have about 42k power storage of batteries that easily last the whole night

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I had ignored the purple base icon until after I did a manual save. I had several crashes, and I had just gotten the survey scanner module done and didn’t want to keep losing progress.

I did find an alternate solution though so it is sorted now.

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Arrghh! This is so frustrating! All my basis with vaults now have closed vaults, adding power allows some vaults to work and others do not. There is enough power. You also cannot easily delete those stupid cables, it is going to force me to rebuild all my bases now, these blue lines everywhere!


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I just had to rebuild my vaults in that base to get it back
Will start doing the same in other bases too

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They’ve just added mechs.


I really need to find time to get back into this game.


They are making me want the game more - but will have to wait for a huge sale and salaries to come back


It’s currently on a 50% off sale


Yea but since I don’t know if I will have a salary next month it means its a no :smiley: Plus I still have BL3 to finish


Oh lawdy… I have too many games to play the moment. Will get back to this when I have some time.


No Man’s Sky get cross-play, and now available on Game Pass :wink:


I can’t find it anywhere.


Same, must be the time difference

But I will keep checking every hour or so until I Can install!

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Yeah, it’s a bit odd… I see all of the other games released today (11 June) under the “Recently Added” sections of the app, but no sign of NMS. Maybe they found last minute issues with the cross platform multiplayer stuff?

Even the Spaniards are pissed, but calling Xbox “traitors” is either a bit harsh or some poor Google Translating. :grinning:


Sorry! Please dont call me a traitor! I am but the messenger! :grinning:


It’s there now. I just want to see if it works with VR.


Would be interesting to see. Because Dirt Rally 2 I don’t think works in VR on Game Pass. Because it uses SteamVR.

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Im busy downloading it as we speak.


It starts up with a dialog that lets you select VR and then it starts Steam VR automatically, but the game crashes immediately after that for me.