Offbeat . . . Off Topic

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start new user

Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you ā€” Princess Diana

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

Oh lord who told M44 we moved? That was the whole POINT of moving remember?

Also YAY Iā€™m so happy @Mister44 is here!! Now I donā€™t have to feel pressured into being funny, thereā€™s someone much better at it than me

now only hagan is left :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m not funny. Iā€™m ironic in a relevant way.

See, Iā€™m already laughing!!

or I may have low standards of comedy

Waitā€¦the gif failed to load

Nah, the gif loaded.

Reallyā€¦strange I see nothing on my screenā€¦



Thatā€™s what I see

What I see:

Just out of interest:

With only the few of us here, we reached 310 posts in 14 days within this Off topic thread
TK over at MyG took 17 days to reach the same number of postsā€¦


almost afternoonings!

Hmm, Why would you say that is?

Divided attention? People posting here arenā€™t nearly as active on the other side anymoreā€¦

I am very guilty of this actually.

Now that sounds like something @adele would sayā€¦

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Nah, she only greets from there. Depending on which side sheā€™s on, Iā€™m quite sure both are equally active.

So this is going to take some getting used to